Just so ya know! Just so ya know!

Happy Thursday everyone!! I hope everyone is have a GREAT week!! I sure am! Yesterday Kyle [my husband] celebrated his 26th birthday! I took...

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Maybe swimming isn't for me Maybe swimming isn't for me

I tried something different this morning. I did my normal cardio workout (intervals), today it was the elliptical for thirty five minutes, t...

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Un site d'offres d'emploi dédié au secteur des cafés, hôtels et restaurants Un site d'offres d'emploi dédié au secteur des cafés, hôtels et restaurants

Un site www.emploi-cafe-resto.fr a été mis en place par Pôle Emploi en partenariat avec les plus grandes fédérations et syndicats professio...

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Facing the Scale Facing the Scale

I have to start my post out today by saying THANK YOU guys SO much for all the encouraging comments from my post yesterday . You guys are ...

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What's the Big Deal About Being Overqualified? What's the Big Deal About Being Overqualified?

Scouting through job listings, you spot a position in your field. The prospective employer is looking for somebody with a bachelor's deg...

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Developing Your Selling Points Developing Your Selling Points

Imagine you are an advertising executive assigned the task of getting people to try a new soft drink. Before you pitched the product to cons...

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Why Your Job Search Is Not All About You Why Your Job Search Is Not All About You

We all get calls from telemarketers. Their generic, impersonal sales pitches typically yield responses like: "Really? Why would I let y...

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Should You Leave Your Cell at Home During an Interview? Should You Leave Your Cell at Home During an Interview?

True story: After a move to a new city, I finally land a job interview after weeks of sending out résumés. The company offers good pay and g...

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Putting Yourself in the Interviewer's Seat Can Give You an Advantage Putting Yourself in the Interviewer's Seat Can Give You an Advantage

By Alison Craig, author of "Hello, Job!" What did you think of your last interviewer? Did you feel as if you were mortal enemies? ...

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Reflections on Rwanda 1994 Reflections on Rwanda 1994

I just finished Left To Tell, a compelling memoir by a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. Imaculee Ilibigaza spent nearly 3 months cramped sh...

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Like a fish out of water Like a fish out of water

That's how my swimming went today. You know, when a poor fish is on dry land, flopping and flipping around, gasping for air. Well, that ...

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Confessions Confessions

Hello everyone! I'm still around!! Life has been CRAZY, to say the least. There are so many things going on right now and in the midst o...

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Ready, Set, Go Swimming! Ready, Set, Go Swimming!

Tomorrow morning I'll be swimming to get in my cardio exercise. It's been at least two years since I went swimming in the pool at th...

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Planning de la semaine du 25 au 28 mai 2010 Planning de la semaine du 25 au 28 mai 2010

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le mardi 25 ma...

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A bad weighin but I deserved it A bad weighin but I deserved it

I gained 1.4 pounds this past week. My weighin was 164.0. A total loss of 75.2 in twenty-seven months. I've hit the 75-pounds lost miles...

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Un portail unique pour les concours et le recrutement dans la Fonction publique de l’Etat Un portail unique pour les concours et le recrutement dans la Fonction publique de l’Etat

Un portail dédié aux concours et au recrutement dans la Fonction publique de l’Etat (FPE) pour permettre de centraliser toutes les informati...

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S’ouvrir les portes des métiers des travaux publics : visite d'entreprise le 26 mai 2010 S’ouvrir les portes des métiers des travaux publics : visite d'entreprise le 26 mai 2010

En partenariat avec le PLIE, la Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métie...

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Lab results from the thyroid biopsy Lab results from the thyroid biopsy

No thyroid cancer! Woohoo! I was pretty sure I didn't have thyroid cancer. Everything I read indicated it would be okay, 95% of these no...

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Why I exercise Why I exercise

I'm just about ready to fall into bed. I've been sneezing and sniffling all night, allergies I think so I took a Benadryl. At least ...

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Chiffres clés - Année 2010, n 2 Chiffres clés - Année 2010, n 2

Voici le 2ème numéro de l’année 2010 des « chiffres Clés » produit par l’Observatoire de la Maison de l’Emploi du bassin d’Orléans. Dans ce ...

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