Day 9:  You think this is hard? You are NOT alone. Day 9: You think this is hard? You are NOT alone.

I wasn't even going to talk about this, but just in case there's someone else out there that's feeling hopeless about losing wei...

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Planning de la semaine du 7 au 11 septembre Planning de la semaine du 7 au 11 septembre

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 7 sep...

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Day 8 - part two:  the official weighin (WOOHOO!) Day 8 - part two: the official weighin (WOOHOO!)

I lost four pounds this week! My new weight is 158.8. Still a few pounds higher than my lowest, but I'm going in the right direction. I&...

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Day 8:  End of week 1 weighin Day 8: End of week 1 weighin

I haven't gone to Weight Watchers yet, it's not until 11 a.m. I'm ridiculously nervous. It's like I studied for a big test, ...

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Layoff Survivor's Guilt Layoff Survivor's Guilt

With unemployment numbers continuing their steady climb, you've probably seen layoffs happen in your company or to someone you know -- h...

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6 Examples of Workplace Rudeness 6 Examples of Workplace Rudeness

Are you rude? You rarely steal candy from toddlers. You don't trip people on crutches anymore. You can't even remember the last time...

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5 Fantastic Jobs for Fall 5 Fantastic Jobs for Fall

When great poets see green leaves grow brittle and turn colors before they fall to the ground, they see the passage of time, and the slow ma...

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Day 7:  A reason to keep going Day 7: A reason to keep going

December 2007 - 240 pounds April 2009 - 158 pounds My before picture horrifies me. It was taken December, 2007. My after/during picture (I&#...

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5 Ways to Refresh Your Outdated Network 5 Ways to Refresh Your Outdated Network

When Steven Spenser, 52, was laid off from his Seattle-area software company in 2001, he decided to become a stay-at-home dad. Seven years l...

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Why Blogging Is Good For Your Career Why Blogging Is Good For Your Career

Right now, "microblogging" is the technological term du jour. Twitter this; Twitter that. For some reason, once somebody created a...

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S'ouvrir les portes des métiers du verre : visite d'entreprise le 10 septembre 2009 S'ouvrir les portes des métiers du verre : visite d'entreprise le 10 septembre 2009

La Maison de l'emploi du bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers liés à la fabrication et p...

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Day 6: Still here Day 6: Still here

I'm taking the day off from posting. I realized today I've been a little too much into myself lately and I've fallen behind on r...

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10 Signs Your Interview Went Well 10 Signs Your Interview Went Well

You did it. You landed an interview, dressed to impress, had great conversation and you think you might actually have a shot at getting a jo...

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More Employers Screening Candidates via Social Networking Sites More Employers Screening Candidates via Social Networking Sites

Five tips for creating a positive online image Gone are the days when all job seekers had to worry about was their résumés and cover letters...

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Employers Preparing for Post-Recession Job Market Employers Preparing for Post-Recession Job Market

The past year has undoubtedly brought many changes and challenges to both employers and employees. Layoffs, pay cuts and furloughs have been...

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10 Signs It's Time to Quit 10 Signs It's Time to Quit

"I like what I do. I just don't like where I work." Sound familiar? From unbearable co-workers to depressing work environments...

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Playing Games at Work - How office politics sabotage the workplace Playing Games at Work - How office politics sabotage the workplace

Have you ever found yourself wondering why there is so much politics in the office? And how this wrecks both value-creation and many a caree...

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Professional Etiquette You Don't Think About Professional Etiquette You Don't Think About

In theory, etiquette is a way for everyone to express mutual respect for one another. In practice, it's a confusing set of arbitrary gui...

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Day 5:  I fell off the horse Day 5: I fell off the horse

After all my "look at me, I'm doing this!", I messed up last night. Actually, it was officially Wednesday morning at 12:30 a.m...

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6 Steps for an Easy Return From Vacation 6 Steps for an Easy Return From Vacation

With summer here, workers across the country hope to take time off to enjoy some fun in the sun. But as some professionals often realize, co...

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