Hello everyone! Remember this post ? Yep, that was about 4 weeks ago. There has been a lot going on in those 4 weeks. Kyle's [one & ...
December 31, 2010...where will you be?
It's not that long until December 31, 2010. A ittle over four months. What you can you accomplish in four short months? Where will you b...
Why I haven't been posting very often
My posts have been few and far between these days. Last week I only posted once. That usually means something bad in the blog world. If that...
Is Getting a Job Really About Who You Know?
According to real estate experts, the biggest influence on a person purchasing a home is location, location, location. Without the perfect v...
What Happens if I Embellish My Salary History?
Talking about how much you earn is kind of like talking about how much you weigh. Both are uncomfortable subjects, so you might not always b...
7 Industries in Need of Workers Now
Given the layoffs and unemployment woes that consistently make headlines, it may seem hard to believe that some industries are actually expe...
Overqualified? The Pros and Cons of Accepting a Job with Less Money or Prestige
The employment market is still extremely tough, even for highly skilled individuals. The level of competition among job seekers has caused m...
Interviewees Say The Darndest Things
You can always depend on a young child to tell you exactly what they think, or precisely how they feel on any given topic. Want to know if y...
Planning de la semaine du 23 au 27 août 2010
Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 23 ao...
Chiffres clés - Année 2010, n 3
Voici le 3ème numéro de l’année 2010 des « chiffres Clés » produit par l’Observatoire de la Maison de l’Emploi du bassin d’Orléans. Dans ce ...
Lakes, mountains and mosquitoes
Seattle broke a record on Saturday, 95 degrees! Fortunately we were up near Mt. Rainier where the it was comfortable, low 70's. Unfortun...
Planning de la semaine du 16 au 20 août 2010
Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 16 ao...
Free National Parks Weekend
Did you know this weekend is free admission to all National Parks? We're heading out to Mt. Rainier this morning and a hike around Mowic...
Why the f--- not?
Yesterday when I was driving home I pulled up next to an older Jeep Cherokee at a stoplight. The back side and rear windows had several smil...
Nevada Smith: The American Dante
Ok, I’ll admit there are some minor differences between Dante’s Divine Comedy and the 1966 movie classic, Nevada Smith. But basically Nevada...
Réunion d'information sur le dispositif de couveuse
La couveuse d'entreprises PES 45 organise une réunion d’information sur ce dispositif spécifique d’accompagnement à la création d’entre...
It's never too late to start over
Birthday Flowers This morning I weighed 175 pounds. I've finally decided the only way I'm going to get back to losing weight is to p...
Planning de la semaine du 09 au 13 août 2010
Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 09 ao...
It's official, I can get the senior discount at IHOP now...or 55 and still alive!
Today is my birthday, and I am now 55 years old. In some circles I qualify for the senior citizen discount. If you Google "is 55 a seni...
Un "webzine" sur l'emploi
Pôle Emploi a créé récemment un site intitulé emploiparlonsnet.fr . emploiparlonsnet.fr est un site d'informations et de réflexion sur ...