The Asian Journals Of Bishop Dan: Part 2 The Asian Journals Of Bishop Dan: Part 2

Today has involved car rides all over Manila, revealing way too much to take in, much less express. This morning I was amazed to see a salon...

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The Asian Journals Of Bishop Dan: Part 1 The Asian Journals Of Bishop Dan: Part 1

Here at last. It took a long time – longer than the 19 hour flight. I have wanted to go to Asia since 1966 when I was captivated by an episo...

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Technical Difficulties Technical Difficulties

TGIF friends!!! I'm very sad to say that I have to delay my cruise post due to some difficulties, aka my computer won't turn on! But...

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Day 5, I wish it was always this easy Day 5, I wish it was always this easy

I wish I knew the secret of my success...on days like today. There are days when I have the super willpower, where I feel like nothing can l...

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Wordless Wednesday Wordless Wednesday

*more to come soon!

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Why I Am Going To The Philippines Why I Am Going To The Philippines

Tomorrow I will board a plane to fly 19 hours to Manila, then ride in a car 9 hours north to Santiago, a transportation hub and See City in ...

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Clint and Me Clint and Me

Clint Eastwood in Magnum Force (1973) by guest contributor Magic Lantern 21 “Good guy…that last one he shot was a good guy!” Eleven words… m...

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Day 4, new day, new attitude Day 4, new day, new attitude

I got home from work last night at 11:30pm. I sat in my car and cried before I came in the house. I do that when I'm mentally and physic...

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Day three and a really quick post Day three and a really quick post

I'm just getting ready to leave work (10:23pm--longest day ever!). My work life really sucks lately. I spent three days of my four-day w...

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I’m Home! I’m Home!

Hello friends! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving last week! I sure did and I can’t wait to fill you in on all the cruise details...

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One day down, 364 more to go One day down, 364 more to go

Yesterday was a pretty good food day. It was the first time in weeks that I didn't have a crazy late night binge. My binges these days a...

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Planning de la semaine du 29 novembre au 03 décembre 2010 Planning de la semaine du 29 novembre au 03 décembre 2010

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 29 no...

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My weighin and feeling more positive My weighin and feeling more positive

After my pathetic post earlier today about considering myself an epic failure in the weight loss arena, I almost blew off my Weight Watcher ...

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Weight Watchers told me I'm new...maybe they're right Weight Watchers told me I'm new...maybe they're right

I tired to change my Weight Watcher payment information last night. This morning their website said I wasn't a member any longer. After ...

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Black Friday - Part 2 Black Friday - Part 2

If posting once a day is good for me, posting twice must be really good for me. I went to the gym this afternoon and had all sorts of weird ...

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T-Day a Day Late T-Day a Day Late

This little turkey was sad he didn't get to spend his first Thanksgiving with his Aunt Darci..but he's glad that she is having a bla...

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Black Friday in more ways than one Black Friday in more ways than one

I stepped on the scale this morning expecting the worse. I haven't weighed since Sunday when I was 175.6. Today, I was 181.6. Six pounds...

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Chiffres clés - Année 2010, n 4 Chiffres clés - Année 2010, n 4

Voici le 4ème numéro de l’année 2010 des « Chiffres Clés » produit par l’Observatoire de la Maison de l’Emploi du bassin d’Orléans. Dans ce ...

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Eat, drink and...watch movies Eat, drink and...watch movies

With Thanksgiving looming on the horizon,  my head has been filled with visions of food...and film. When the weather turned cooler a couple ...

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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

It's 16 degrees right now, which for Seattle is really COLD! I was out the door this morning at 5:30am headed for the gym (it was 20 deg...

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