Mise à jour au 1er janvier 2010 des "Chiffres sociaux utiles" Mise à jour au 1er janvier 2010 des "Chiffres sociaux utiles"

Le 1er janvier 2010, le salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance (Smic) a été revalorisé de 0,5%. Par ailleurs, le revenu de solidar...

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Suck Up To Your Boss Without Being Obvious Suck Up To Your Boss Without Being Obvious

Every office has the resident boss's pet, the worker who is all too happy to fawn over the manager's idea, no matter how bad it is. ...

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Planning de la semaine du 04 au 08 janvier 2010 Planning de la semaine du 04 au 08 janvier 2010

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 04 ja...

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Bastille my heart Bastille my heart

Bastille my heart is the name of my OPI nail polish. Not really much to do with this post...I just like the sound of it. :) I'm in an un...

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The end of overeating The end of overeating

I love the book I'm reading, "The end of overeating." by David A. Kessler, MD. pg. 145 "conditioned hypereating: "co...

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Doing what I know best, resolution #3 Doing what I know best, resolution #3

Resolution #3 is Lose Weight. Easy peasy, right? I've done it before, many times over the years. The problem is really two-fold: losing ...

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It's really 2010. It seems unreal to me. I was born in 1955. The year 2010 sounded like science fiction. I never thought I'd live un...

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One Year to a New Career One Year to a New Career

You've counted down from 10 and watched the ball drop in Times Square. As happy as you are to usher in a new year, you can't help bu...

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When Job Search Desperation Kicks In When Job Search Desperation Kicks In

Desperation isn't an attractive trait on most people ... maybe anyone. If you've ever witnessed desperation in a relationship, you k...

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Droits, devoirs et prévention santé : CPAM à la Maison de l'Emploi le 7 janvier 2010 Droits, devoirs et prévention santé : CPAM à la Maison de l'Emploi le 7 janvier 2010

Patricia Bayle, Déléguée Prévention à la CPAM du Loiret, assurera une permanence à la Maison de l’Emploi de 13h30 à 17h : le jeudi 07 janv...

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S'ouvrir les portes des métiers du bâtiment : visite d'entreprise le 7 janvier 2010 S'ouvrir les portes des métiers du bâtiment : visite d'entreprise le 7 janvier 2010

En partenariat avec le PLIE, la Maison de l'emploi du bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les méti...

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10 Healthy Careers 10 Healthy Careers

Every year, one of the most popular New Year's resolutions is to "be healthy and lose weight." Easier said than done. Of cours...

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Reflecting on 2009 Reflecting on 2009

Today I looked at my old blog, the one on the right, titled "My old Diana's Weight Loss Journey". I don't even remember wh...

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Just another Monday (on vacation) Just another Monday (on vacation)

A blog worth checking out I read a lot of weight loss blogs. I don't always comment because I don't always have something worthwhile...

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55 Jobs with High Growth in 2010 55 Jobs with High Growth in 2010

Although 2009 saw some of the most desolate unemployment numbers in history, there is reason to believe that things are starting to look up....

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Still alive after 36 hours of hell Still alive after 36 hours of hell

I'm not sure what happened to me Saturday but after my two-hour workout at the gym I became really sick as soon as I got home. Room spin...

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The Death of Edward Schillebeeckyx The Death of Edward Schillebeeckyx

Edward Schillebeeckyx died on December 23 at the age of 95. He was a great theologian, important to me chiefly for shaping my understanding ...

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Planning de la semaine du 28 au 31 décembre 2009 Planning de la semaine du 28 au 31 décembre 2009

Exceptionnellement, la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans sera fermée au public le mardi 29 décembre après-midi et fermera à 16...

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A new beginning A new beginning

Christmas. Food. Lots and lots of food. After the last two Christmases of being a really good little Weight Watcher, yesterday I made the at...

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Not Getting Hired? 10 Reasons Why Not Getting Hired? 10 Reasons Why

You don't understand. You updated your résumé, you're applying to jobs every day, you've cleaned up your digital dirt and you ne...

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