World War II vets knock down barriers, visit Memorial World War II vets knock down barriers, visit Memorial

Elderly veterans who came to Washington to visit the World War II Memorial knocked down the barriers to the closed monument and visited it a...

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Poll proves John McCain correct about shutdown blame falling on GOP Poll proves John McCain correct about shutdown blame falling on GOP

A new Quinnipiac poll reporting 72% of Americans blame Republicans for shutting down the government has proven that Senator John McCain was ...

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Skyline Drive and Shenandoah National Park closed due to government shutdown Skyline Drive and Shenandoah National Park closed due to government shutdown

 If the government shutdown that began today continues through October, these are scenes you won't see this year. Just as leaf season is...

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Shutdown isn't affecting TPP talks Shutdown isn't affecting TPP talks

The government shutdown is costing 400,000 civilian employees part of their paychecks. Small businesspeople won't be able to apply for ...

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Government shutdown? Skyline Drive & Blue Ridge Parkway would close -- UPDATED Government shutdown? Skyline Drive & Blue Ridge Parkway would close -- UPDATED

  Mabry Mill would be closed during a government shutdown. Come on, people ... Republicans did this in 1995 and had our behinds kicked to th...

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The president of disconnect The president of disconnect

A tragedy unfolded on Monday in the Washington Navy Yard that ended in the death of 12 victims and the 34-year-old gunman. Areas of D.C. we...

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