Why billionaires want to hide their campaign contributions Why billionaires want to hide their campaign contributions

The influence of billionaire dark money groups has dramatically expanded to every level of government ever since the Supreme Court ruling on...

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Koch brothers' illegal campaign finance network exposed, fined Koch brothers' illegal campaign finance network exposed, fined

California Teamsters and allies used the power of their numbers last year to defeat Proposition 32, an anti-worker proposal secretly funded...

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Colbert Report on high court case on campaign finance (it only hurts when we laugh) Colbert Report on high court case on campaign finance (it only hurts when we laugh)

Only Stephen Colbert could make you laugh at a segment on Supreme Court case on campaign finance. It's something working people need t...

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How the media hyped an IRS non-scandal How the media hyped an IRS non-scandal

The mainstream news media misses some of the biggest stories in North America today. You know, drug war in Mexico . Or the criminal bankers ...

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