10 Things You Didn't Know About 'Legally Blonde': Get out your pink feather pens and heart-shaped notebooks, people! It's time for some mind-boggling, little-known facts about everyone's secret favorite movie, "Legally Blonde."


1. As stated in her contract, Witherspoon got to keep all of the outfits she wore in the film. Can you say best deal ever? We'll take those "last season Prada shoes," if you don't want them, Reese.


2. You know those opening credits where Elle is brushing her amazingly perfect hair? Welp, that's not Witherspoon. She was in England wrapping up filming "The Importance of Being Earnest." Kind of disappointed.


3. In Amanda Brown's "Legally Blonde" novel, on which the film is based, Elle Woods attends Stanford University. Stanford, however, didn't approve of the script. The producers' second choice, University of Chicago, also refused because of the scene where Elle's professor makes sexual advances toward her. Finally, Elle was accepted at Harvard. Not bad.


4. Reese Witherspoon prepped for her role by kicking it with real sorority girls at USC.


5. Elle's LSAT score of 179 puts her in the top 0.1 percent.


6. Tori Spelling was considered for the role of Elle Woods, but we all know who it went to.


7. Chloe Sevigny turned down the role of Vivian, which went to Selma Blair. Sevigny later said in an interview that she "didn't realize the film's potential at the time."


8. Test audiences really wanted to know what happened to Elle after her successful court case. This meant that Witherspoon and Luke Wilson had to sport wigs for the added graduation scene, as Witherspoon had cut her locks short for "The Importance of Being Earnest" and Wilson had shaved his head for "The Royal Tenenbaums."


9. Test audiences also wanted to see Elle get revenge on Warner, so they added the scene in which Elle confronts Warner after her court case. The scene was shot in London, as Witherspoon and Matthew Davis were both working on films there at the time.


10. Over a year after "Legally Blonde" hit theaters, Reese Witherspoon told About.com she still had "never seen it, actually." We know you're a busy woman, Reese, but um ...


Bonus fact: The bend and snap has a 98 percent success rate in getting a man's attention and an 83 percent rate of return on a dinner invitation.


Just kidding. Y'all already knew that.

[h/t IMDb]

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Posted by: Tukiyooo 10 Things You Didn't Know About 'Legally Blonde' Updated at : 1:40 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

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