Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel briefs the press at the Pentagon, Feb. 7, 2014. Hagel discussed the nomination of retired Marine Corps Col. Robert O. Work as the next deputy defense secretary and discussed issues including an effort to strengthen ethical behavior within the Defense Department. DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

Pentagon To Appoint Officer To Promote Ethical Behavior, Hagel Says -- Washington Post

Stung by a string of embarrassing revelations about misconduct in the ranks, the Pentagon will soon appoint a senior officer to promote and enforce a culture of ethical behavior and good moral character, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Friday.

The move marked Hagel’s latest attempt to get ahead of a growing list of scandals, including allegations of widespread cheating by military personnel in proficiency tests and recently disclosed reports about misbehaving senior officers.

“Ethics and character are the foundation of an institution and a society,” Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon on Friday afternoon. “They must be constantly emphasized at every level.”

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An Ethics Officer For The U.S. Military

Hagel Will Appoint Senior Officer to Guide Ethics Effort -- US Department of Defense
As scandals swell, U.S. defense chief to install ethics officer -- Reuters
Hagel seeks answers to military ethics crisis -- Washington Post/AP
Hagel will have general officer be point man on ethics issues -- Stars and Stripes
Hagel to appoint top-level ethics adviser -- Navy Times
Chuck Hagel: No 'one simple answer' to military ethics lapses -- UPI

My Comment: This new ethics officer will have his work cut for him .... but he can start at the top.
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Saturday, February 8, 2014

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