President Barack Obama greets James Clapper, his nominee for director of national intelligence, in the Oval Office, Saturday, June 5, 2010. (White House Photo/Peter Souza)

CIA’s Drones, Barely Secret, Receive Rare Public Nod -- Wall Street Journal

The worst kept secret in Washington national security circles is no more. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper publicly acknowledged for the first time at a Senate hearing Tuesday that the Central Intelligence Agency has a drone program.

The CIA’s drone program, which operates in Pakistan and Yemen, has been the subject of news reports for years. But U.S. officials have continued to steer clear of publicly acknowledging the program, glossing over CIA’s role, because it has remained officially covert. That covert status allows the CIA to operate in countries where local governments don’t support the strikes.

The U.S. military also operates a drone program, which is not covert.

In this exchange with Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.) at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on global threats to the U.S., Mr. Clapper indirectly confirmed the existence of the CIA’s program by saying Sen. Nelson’s statement was accurate.

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My Comment: I am shocked!!! SHOCKED!!!!! That the CIA has a secret drone program.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

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