Whitewashing The Reds -- US News and World Report

NBC should be ashamed of the way it's covering up Soviet horrors.

Is there some kind of unwritten law that says the IQ of a sportscaster can be no higher than the average combined score of the ten previous Super Bowls? After listening to NBC’s Bob Costas speak fawningly about the history of the former Soviet Union during the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, you really have to wonder.

As part of his color commentary, Costas called the 1917 Russian Revolution that eventually brought Lenin to power a "pivotal moment" in history. He did so, however, in a manner that glossed over just why that was the case. It should never be forgotten that more than 100 million people around the world – and that’s a conservative estimate – died as a result of what that one event put into play.

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My Comment:
I am lucky to be living in Canada .... the CBC's coverage has been excellent. I do have NBC on my cable .... and while I did watch it on the first day .... I gave up on it's coverage after two hours.

Update 10:10 EST: Case in point .... because the U.S. - Russian hockey game ended into a tie, they went into an incredible shoot out. After 8 attempts .... the U.S. won. CBC carried it live .... NBC .... they had a kids program on.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo NBC's Coverage Of The 2014 Sochi Olympics Has Been Terrible Updated at : 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 15, 2014

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