The F-Bomb Heard Around the World -- Walter Russel Mead, American Interest

EU Greatly Offended - Again

Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State whose intemperate remark about the European Union were secretly recorded and released on YouTube (allegedly by the Russians), probably wouldn’t have received high marks from Emily Post. But if Nuland’s wording is crude, her analysis is essentially correct, as yet another secretly recorded conversation reveals—this one between Helga Schmid, a representative of EU High Commissioner Catherine Ashton, and the EU Ambassador in Ukraine:

HS: “I just wanted to tell you one more thing in confidence. The Americans are going around and saying we’re too soft, while they’re moving more firmly toward sanctions. […] Well, we’re not soft! We’re about to issue a very strongly worded statement about Bulatov!“

Newsflash to the EU: A very strongly worded statement rarely accomplishes much in the realm of international diplomacy, and it certainly is not going to persuade Russia to abandon its quest to become a great power. Baguettes are no good in knife fights, as we’re fond of saying.

One can, however, hardly blame the Europeans for being a little offended by Ms Nuland. We all have our moments of frustration, but in this world of phone taps and leaks diplomats must watch what they say. A good rule for all of us: if you don’t want it repeated on the front page of the newspaper, don’t say it in the first place.

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My Comment: "Baguettes are no good in knife fights" .... what a priceless statement. As to what can the EU and the U.S. do when it comes to the Ukrainian crisis .... I have to say not much. This is an internal Ukrainian crisis that has deeply divided the country along political and cultural lines .... and outsiders have limited (if any) real influence. Ukraine's Russian minority want to keep close ties with Russia, and those in western Ukraine want closer ties to the West .... hence the division. Even the Kremlin (aside from the comment of a senior aid that Russia will intervene with it's military) is staying out of this mess .... preferring to observe and use what limited financial resources it has to influence the debate knowing all too well that if they do get directly involved, it will only polarize the situation even more.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo European Weakness Revealed When It Comes To Russia And Ukraine Updated at : 5:00 AM
Sunday, February 9, 2014

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