And it’s D to the E to the LICIOUS! This word is dead to me now!

Who has Renee's back? Still no one!

We’re till in Emerald City…I mean Vegas. Big Ang and Alicia walk in for breakfast. It’s the morning after the first night and Ang ordered a ton of food. They talk about Renee, the “zombie,” who is off the wagon. Alicia is shocked to see Renee like this, and it’s bringing them all down. Alicia is saying this could be her last trip before her possible sentencing, now scheduled for early January (oh brother). I keep wondering how she was even hired for the show if there was even a slight chance that she could not finish filming the season? It makes me think she struck a plea deal that doesn’t require serving time, and the sentencing is just to make it official. Renee walks in and doesn’t feel any better. Ang sees the crazy look in Renee’s eyes. As Renee’s friend, I would have expected Ang to be more understanding than critical. Drita walks in all cheery, but then complains she lost $2,000 last night and has to tell Lee. She “sounds” stressed…for a minute. Drita tells Renee she looked “f*cked up” last night. Isn’t Drita Renee’s friend? I mean with friends like these, who the hell needs enemies? Natalie is missing for some reason, so Drita goes to get her so they can talk the “delicious“ issue out. Renee is still telling them how the word delicious has her turnt up. It’s a matter of feeling totally disrespected, but everyone is focused on the word “delicious” and no one understands Renee’s real issue with Natalie. It’s about R-E-S-P-E-C-T people! I’ll bet Karen and Ramona would have gotten it!

Drita still has comprehension issues!
It's not about "delicious" it's about RESPECT!

Drita, who didn’t know where Natalie was a second ago, managed to find her right away. Insert “eye-roll” @@.  Drita talks to Natalie before taking her in to breakfast. First they talk about their issues. Drita confesses she was talking behind Natalie’s back. Natalie tells Drita she uses the word “whore” in the most endearing way possible. Drita and Ang didn’t like it. But, now these two forgive and forget, hug and put it all behind them. A beautiful kumbaya moment that brings a tear to my eye. Natalie and Drita walk into breakfast together. Wait a minute! Did Drita forget to mention why she went out to get Natalie in the first place! Renee is still way bent out of shape about Natalie. Is Natalie being blindsided? It sounds all scripted to me. Natalie’s not being there. Drita finding her alone. Drita getting her to come to breakfast. No mention of Renee’s anger so they could save all the drama for the breakfast table. What the hell? Natalie is pleasant as she walks in and greets everyone. Drita announces she wants to clear the air. Is this really a good idea considering Renee’s state of mind, Drita? Maybe not for real life, but for scripted realty tv it is perfect! Renee gets right back on the word “delicious” and educates Natalie. Grapes, strawberries and pancakes are delicious, but the man sitting next to her isn’t. Then Renee tries to prove her point and tells Alicia that she has been friends with Edward all her life and he is delicious. Alicia could not care less, she has a new dessert in her bed…oops I mean plate. Natalie answers, “You should know, you went to dinner with him a few times.” That sets Renee off!  Renee is furious and goes over to Natalie, they start screaming at each other. Natalie manages to press all Renee’s buttons at once.

SOUTH Philly button pusher goes hard on Renee

Natalie yells, “Who the f*ck is Renee Graziano?” Then she taunts Renee, “Touch me, touch me, touch me.” Natalie says she tried to explain and apologize that night, but Renee didn’t want to listen, she just wanted to make a scene. In the ruckus, a glass gets broken in front of Alicia. Natalie is angry that Renee could have hurt Alicia. Natalie tells Renee, as far as Mob Candy goes, she is not a puppet. While Renee and Natalie are at it, none of the other three seem to do anything, they just sit there watching and let them go at it…scripted? Then, out of the blue, Drita screams “this is over, no more screaming.” Natalie continues screaming, she says she tried to talk to Renee and Renee ran out. Renee goes to pull Natalie’s hair and the fight is broken up by the others. They finally “rise” to the occasion and do something. They all claim they had no idea Renee was going to attack Natalie. They are shocked! Really??? Is there anyone who was watching who didn’t think Renee was going to attack? Even Ang said, just last week, that Renee was “gunning” for Natalie! Ang was fed up with Natalie. And what about Drita? Last week she even wanted to attack Natalie like a “leaping leopard!” I don’t know who or what to believe. Insert Ramona’s “flip-floppers” in here.

Drita goes to get Renee. They all wind up in the same room and Drita (“Violence is not the answer, but yes it is.”), of all people, says no more physical altercations. Renee says she is not done. Renee feels disrespected. Things get heated. Drita stands between Renee and Natalie. They rehash the incident from the night at the club…again, oy vey. Natalie says she will murder somebody. If I have to type “delicious” one more time I might murder somebody too! Ang tells Renee that Natalie apologized and didn’t mean anything by it. Renee says she accepts her apology and will be the bigger person. Then Renee attempts to attack Natalie again. Alicia thinks this is insane and she is out of her comfort zone. Poor Alicia, it’s always all about her. Well she can blame herself for this fiasco of a vacation because she insisted on asking Natalie to join them. Natalie proves she is nobody’s puppet. She turns out to be a mini Drita. Alicia thinks they are going to hurt each other. Has Alicia even bothered to watch season one, two or three of Mob Wives? Of course they hurt each other! Does she think she signed up for an English tea party?

Natalie calls London, her boyfriend, to tell him what went on at breakfast so he can calm her down. Renee is still on the “delicious” thing. Shoot me already. She says they were face to face and her breath stunk. She ripped her hair when Renee put her hands on her. Natalie feels disrespected and says Renee crossed the line. She is dead to her. There is no friendship, no business relationship. I can only hope this means she will be packing her bags and going back to SOUTH Philly. After all, there’s no place like home. Tell ’em Dorothy.

Woe is me! Eddie, sentencing, knock-off lawsuit, 
embezzlement, and now Renee is ruining my vacation!

Drita is surprised that all this happened at breakfast and not a club; and all over one word. Alicia complained she could have gotten hurt with the glass. Drita, Ang and Alicia talk about the fight. Drita and Ang agree that Natalie is an employee and Renee is a boss, no friendship should exist between them. You don’t mixed business and friendship. Did I really hear that? Because the whole show mixes business with friendship…just ask Karen and Ramona! Drita is going to talk to Natalie, while Ang goes to talk to Renee. Ang finds Renee “out like a light,” fast asleep. Ang explains to Alicia that Renee turns to drugs when she can’t cope with something. She feels it has gotten worse since Junior’s betrayal. A “concerned” Alicia hopes the judge will agree to Eddie’s plea deal for 8 years. The sentencing is taking a big toll in her life. Please! She goes into another chorus of “Poor. Poor, Pitiful Me,” for a minute. But what about her alleged Boo of three years? Does anyone think she is really losing any sleep over Eddie? Ang says she understands, she was a felon. Alicia claims she innocently went along for the ride in Eddie’s lifestyle. She still insists she was betrayed and lied to. Ang thinks she’ll forgive him when he gets out. Alicia says she doesn’t know if she can. I think Alicia has moved on long ago and there is no going back. But frankly, I don’t care.

Drita is talking to Natalie. Natalie says Renee doesn’t know her. She is not Renee’s mini-me. She is not going to let anyone put their hands on her and do nothing. She says Renee went from “mentor to mental.” The whole “delicious” thing made Renee flip out. Drita wants to know if Natalie can be cordial and nice talking to Renee. Natalie says of course. Drita respects Natalie for sticking up for herself. Natalie says she will try again, but if it doesn’t work she’s done. This is unreal! They are going to try talking again? Why? Well, if Renee and Natalie don’t “make-up” then she has to go back to SOUTH Philly. If they don’t make up, we will have only four Mob Wives…and only three “IF” Alicia goes to prison! Oh dear, what do you think will happen? I am beyond worried. NOT!

Ang pops into Renee’s room to check on her. Renee looks better. Renee wasn’t herself yesterday. She was overwhelmed with anger. Ang says Renee is blaming it all on Natalie. Renee says she feels bad she put her hands on Natalie. They are all going out together, without Natalie, to the Mob Attraction. Renee seems to be enjoying it. Drita notices that Renee is so much better. This is an interactive Mob fun house! It has exhibits and hologram actors from mob movies. We should have spent the whole episode in there! Uh oh, Renee brings up Natalie to Drita. Renee says Natalie still doesn’t understand what she did. Drita says she was sticking up for herself. Renee says she was out of line and if it happens again it ain’t gonna end right. Drita seems to be siding with Natalie and explains her part in the issue to Renee. Renee is disgusted that Drita is defending Natalie when a few days ago she wanted to smash her face. Drita wants Renee to put it behind her and start fresh. Renee does admit, once again, to feeling bad about putting her hands on Natalie.

Alicia holding her phone in it's not too shabby Louie Vutton case!
Is it real or a knockoff?
Courtesy of @Dondig's very observant eye!

Drita is gambling again and says she is down $6,000 now. She decides to walk away from the table. Ang lost her money too. How do these two think Vegas stays in business? Renee and Natalie takes turns going to sit out at the pool with the girls and it irritates Ang. Renee calls Natalie on her cell, while she is out at the pool, and asks to speak to her alone. Natalie tells her she can’t talk to her in her current mental state. She needs to be calm. Everyone wants Natalie to talk to Renee, Natalie doesn’t want to be rushed. Natalie wants her space. The other girls are anxious for her to make up with Renee so they can have fun on this vacation. They think this is a big gesture on Renee’s part and Natalie should agree to meet her. Natalie gets annoyed with them. Renee isn’t happy that she made the effort to reach out to Natalie and is being blown off. Way to keep the drama going VH1!

If you are a glutton for punishment and haven't had enough "delicious," here you go!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Mob Wives: Recap “Vegas Part Two” Ep 405 Updated at : 6:13 AM
Friday, January 3, 2014

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