"What the f*ck is this Ang?"
asks Drita, when she sees the picture of her and Alicia in Vegas.

Will the real media informant please stand up? So here is the sneak peek I have been waiting days to see and blog. Ang and Drita find Alicia and Drita's picture, taken in Vegas, in the papers and are in shock! Total SHOCK! How could this happen? Alicia is out on bail! So did Alicia LIE to the judge in order go to Vegas? Big Ang, who has been there, done that, knows that when you are out on bail you have to ask the judge for permission to travel. Ang adds if you don't ask and get caught, you go directly to jail. Hmmm, very interesting. So let me see if I got this right...I made up a list in the form of a multiple choice question for all fans:

So far we have heard which of the following about Alicia's trip to Vegas?

a. Alicia says she is under travel restriction and cannot leave tri-state area.

b. Alicia lied to the judge about going to West Virginia, and then made a detour to Vegas.

c. Alicia's lawyer said Alicia is allowed to go anywhere in the US, including Vegas.

d. Alicia's lawyer said he thought she was home in New Jersey, when asked if she was in Vegas.

e. Alicia tweeted and instagramed pictures of herself and cast in Vegas.

f. All of the above.

g. I wouldn't believe Alicia if her tongue came notarized.

h. f & g

I chose f & g. We have heard or read all of the above lies/excuses over the Alicia pictures and trip to Vegas, which of them is true is anyone's guess. And this is supposed to be reality? Pah-lease!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Mob Wives: "Loose Lips" Sneak Peek Ep 407 Updated at : 12:11 PM
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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