
“The hospital believes the girl will die without chemotherapy and is morally and legally obligated to make sure she receives proper care,” said Dr. Robert McGregor, the hospital’s chief medical officer. Morally this doctor is on par with the worst elements of medicine but legally he is standing as tall as an SS doctor who knew he had the law and government behind him.

That might sound harsh but if we dig just a little below the surface we can see either ignorance or the greatest arrogance imaginable from doctors like this who lie and manipulate and even force “chemo” on a person even if it leads up to their death! What is Dr. McGregor ignorant about or lying about because he knows, but just will not say?

Is he telling the world about the side effects from chemotherapy that will eventually lead to Sarah’s death? Is he telling the parents how chemotherapy will damage her DNA?'

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Posted by: Anonymous Ohio Amish & the Concentration Camps of Oncology Updated at : 2:20 AM
Sunday, December 1, 2013

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