meditation, dogs do it too. .
Photo Credit:Funny Junk

'A human body has the capacity to heal itself, you only need to be consciously aware about the process and choose the right medium to heal. One of the healing medium used for centuries is meditation, a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself.

Meditation affects your psychological well-being by reducing stress, depression, anxiety, blood pressure, addiction, boosts immune system and improves memory. But did you know that meditation can change our brain structure in powerful and positive ways! We have always believed that brain essentially stopped changing after adulthood.

You have the capacity to heal the emotional dysfunctionality of your own brain. When you increase your awareness with mindfulness, you can transform your brain, create new circuits or change the way neurons talk to each other.'

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Posted by: Anonymous Meditation can Change your Brain Structure Updated at : 2:30 AM
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

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