Derrick Rose will miss the rest of the season after surgery - Los Angeles Times :: http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-sn-derrick-rose-bulls-20131125,0,7007850.story

Nasty weather wallops much of US just before Thanksgiving - CNN :: http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/25/us/weather-thanksgiving/

Yingluck Pressured as Thailand Ministries Seized: Southeast Asia - Bloomberg :: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-24/thai-anti-government-protests-swell-as-yingluck-calls-for-unity.html

Impending Sandy Hook report like another 'body blow,' official says - Los Angeles Times :: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-newtown-massacre-report-20131125,0,3418280.story

Yale locked down on report of gunman - USA TODAY :: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/25/yale-university-gunman-shelter-in-palce/3698273/

Participant list for Syria talks still undecided -Brahimi - Reuters :: http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/11/25/syria-crisis-talks-brahimi-idINL5N0JA3GX20131125

Not Everyone's Happy: Hardliners in Iran Criticize Geneva Nuclear Deal - TIME :: http://world.time.com/2013/11/25/not-everyones-happy-hardliners-in-iran-criticize-geneva-nuclear-deal/?iid%3Dgs-main-lead

Four more school employees charged in Steubenville rape case - CNN :: http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/25/justice/ohio-steubenville-rape-case/

Genetic Test Service 23andMe Hits Roadblock - Wall Street Journal :: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304281004579219893863966448.html

Wal-Mart CEO steps down; McMillon successor - USA TODAY :: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/11/25/wal-mart-ceo/3696819/
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Posted by: Tukiyooo 25-Nov-2013 19:42 Updated at : 10:42 AM
Monday, November 25, 2013

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