We have all been witnessing the petty and vindictive mind games coming from the Obama administration and it's minions the past week and a half.
Closing memorials and National parks,just,I don't know, stupid shit, meant to inconvenience and intimidate the American public courtesy of the twisted political fever dream of some real dickhead back in D.C. .

I suppose whoever is behind this thought that this was a clever idea to foment political pressure in an attempt to sway the ongoing budget conflict between the two major political parties in this country.

I would suggest to whomever this rank fucking amateur is that you have seriously underestimated the citizens of this country, again, and their never cease to amaze me capacity to flip the bird figuratively and literally to tin pot dictators with dreams of grandeur.

Just in case it hasn't been brought to your attention yet, we Americans can be an ornery lot.

Your little fucky fuck games do not impress us much.

On the contrary, while you think you can sit back while denying us access to the things in this country that we have bought, paid for and pay to maintain with our tax dollars and blood, we have other ideas.

Time wounds all heels and time will tell just who ordered all this nonsense and then we will deal with those individuals in the way that Americans are known for, swiftly and justly.

In the mean time, there are a few thousand citizens who are sending an unmistakable message to you clowns as I type this from across the country.

If you think putting wimpy little steel barricades around our national parks is actually going to keep people out, I suggest to you to think again.

Some of the American people you have irritated have decided to rearrange the furniture so to speak.

If you will notice, they have deposited them where they belong,in front of the Whitehouse.

This is a subtle suggestion for you to pull your head out of your ass.

You will also notice the phrase I used was irritated Americans, because at this point, that's what they are, irritated.

They aren't pissed off, yet.

If they were, there would be blood in the streets and we all know that is an indisputable fact.

So I suggest to whomever is responsible for this childish bullshit that you wake the fuck up.

If you continue to keep irritating people in childish ways then the adults will be forced to come have a talk with you.

They will be forced to do so to stop the violence that is sure to follow this course of action.

The fact that I am having to point this out is almost embarrassing but seems to be necessary.

It's been my experience in life that some people can't see the obvious.

There is always that one child who doesn't learn not to touch the stove because it is hot the first time.
These are the children destined to be politicians.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Message Recieved, Answer Forthcoming Updated at : 12:50 PM
Sunday, October 13, 2013

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