Local Teamsters No. 2, St. James Healthcare settle; Strike averted  Montana Standard   ...Local Teamsters No. 2 and St. James Healthcare have settled their long-ranging collective bargaining issues — thus averting a Sept. 23 strike...
Teamsters Continue To Lawfully Picket Funeral Home Giant SCI  Teamsters Local 727   ...Since pickets began on July 2, SCI has continued its history of bargaining in bad faith with its employees, even after meeting for ongoing negotiations on Sept. 17...
Teamsters Women’s Conference Closes with Focus on Activism  teamster.org   ...The 2013 Teamsters Women’s Conference in New Orleans closed on Saturday with a call to action from the 1,000 Teamster women in attendance, as well as from their fellow Teamsters throughout North America...
Obama’s Corporate Export Council Ignores Dismal Export Data, Backs More-of-the-Same “Trade” Deals  Public Citizen   ...Somehow the room full of corporate representatives and government officials, “the principal national advisory committee on international trade,” which exists to “promote export expansion” and “discuss and resolve trade-related problems,” made it through two hours of prepared speeches without once acknowledging that we’re 18 years behind schedule to meet Obama’s goal to double exports...
5 Years After the Financial Crisis, The Big Banks Are Still Committing Massive Crimes  zero hedge   ...The executives of the big banks invariably pretend that the hanky-panky was only committed by a couple of low-level rogue employees. But studies show that most of the fraud is committed by management...
JPMorgan Found to Have Violated Both Banking and Securities Laws in $920 Million Settlement  Wall Street on Parade   ... This is where the high risk trading was done, in the insured bank, using insured deposits. It is this aspect that has stunned Congress and brought in the FBI and Justice Department...
Few Jobs Means Bad Jobs  Center for Economic and Policy Research   ...There are always employers offering bad jobs, but workers don't take them in a good economy. In a bad economy they have no choice...
Founder of Beanie Babies to Plead Guilty to Tax Evasion  TaxProfBlog   ...Ty Warner, CEO of Ty Inc., which makes Beanie Babies, has agreed to plead guilty to tax evasion and pay $53.6 million in penalties in one of the largest offshore tax evasion cases in history...
The Honey Launderers: Uncovering the Largest Food Fraud in U.S. History  Bloomberg   ...Andrew Boutros, assistant U.S. attorney in Chicago, had put together the case: Eight other ALW executives, including Alexander Wolff, the chief executive officer, and a Chinese honey broker, were indicted on charges alleging a global conspiracy to illegally import Chinese honey going back to 2002...
Loss of Economic Exceptionalism  Made in America   ...the U.S. does not provide more upward mobility than other nations do; if anything, young Americans’ economic fortunes are more tied to those of their parents than is true in other western nations...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 09.22.13 Updated at : 4:46 AM
Sunday, September 22, 2013

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