Teamsters Praise SEC For Proposed Rule On Corporate Pay  teamster.org   ...The International Brotherhood of Teamsters today applauded the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announcement of a new proposed rule requiring corporations to disclose the ratio between chief executive and worker pay...
Ballots for Seven UPS Supplements/Riders Mailed September 18  teamster.org   ...Ballots for UPS Teamsters covered under the following supplements and riders were mailed yesterday, September 18...
Cardinal Health’s Political Spending Target of Teamsters’ Shareholder Proposal  Columbia Business First   ...Cardinal Health Inc. is the latest public company fielding a shareholder proposal for more reporting on corporate political contributions in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision...
Darigold Walks Out of Federal Mediation  teamster.org   ...Darigold walked out of federal mediation late Monday night setting the stage for a potential lockout or strike at the company’s production facilities in Issaquah and Seattle...|
Jack Cooper Set To Buy Allied Holdings  Automotive Logistics   ...North American vehicle hauler Jack Cooper is to acquire the business of bankrupt rival Allied System Holdings following a successful bid confirmed this week...
Jack Cooper Purchase Clears Another Hurdle; Next Step Is Anti-Trust Review  teamster.org  ...On Tuesday, September 17, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher S. Sontchi approved the sale of most of Allied Systems Holdings assets to Jack Cooper Transport...
Marquez union supporters press on despite setbacks  Hanford Sentinel ...Workers will have another shot at supporting the Teamsters in an election on Oct. 4 despite the company’s decision earlier this month to no longer recognize the union...
Government Hands More Than $1 Trillion to Wealthy While Deficit Is $642 Billion  truthout   ...All tax breaks for individuals will exceed $1 trillion this year, with about 17% of the biggest individual tax breaks going to the top 1% of earners...
China's second richest man has tendons in hand severed after labourer begged for job and was turned down  Daily Mail   ...He sought out Mr Zong near his home after seeing him help impoverished migrant workers on a television programme and asked the self-made billionaire for a job...
Women Waiting Tables Provide Most of Female Gains in U.S.  Bloomberg   ...the gains have been largely in lower-paying industries such as waitresses, in-home health care, food preparation and housekeeping. About 60 percent of the increase in employment for women from 2009 to 2012 was in jobs that pay less than $10.10 an hour, compared with 20 percent for men...
Young People's Unhappiness Comes from Our Broken Economic System -- And They Shouldn't Shut Up About It  Alternet   ...realities are quite harsh — making around $25,000 a year while trying to afford rent and food while paying back their more than $20,000 student loans...
Missouri treasurer wants to ban 'pension advances'  St. Louis Post-Dispatch   ...Missouri State Treasurer Clint Zweifel wants the state to ban “pension advance” offers aimed at state retirees. He says they're bad deals...
Expand Medicaid to help senior citizens  St. Louis Post-Dispatch (opinion)   ...In the editorial “Do no harm" (Sept. 3), the editorial board highlights some of the hardships facing Missouri if we don’t pass Medicaid expansion. The editorial does not specifically mention the especially large burdens of our senior citizens...
Commerce secretary touts opportunities in Mexico, Pacific trade pact  Los Angeles Times  ...Recently installed U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker said trade opportunities with Mexico will expand as economic and security conditions improve in America's southern neighbor...
Will the Supreme Court Stop Cops From Reading Your Text Messages?  Mother Jones   ...In many states, police can rifle through your smartphone—even if you've just been arrested for not putting on your seat belt...
Millions Living Above The Poverty Line Also Struggle To Get By  Huffington Post   ...For nearly 30 years, Elena Keating made a career helping low-income Americans find and keep affordable housing. Now, she's the one struggling and one of millions in this country just scraping by after being out of a job for the past nine months...
Unemployment Gap Between Rich And Poor Widens To A 10-Year Extreme  MintPress News   ...Unemployment gaps between the wealthiest and the poorest Americans have reached their highest level since government officials began tracking the statistic a decade ago...
Workers win wage battle against Victoria’s Secret  Finance Post   ...Victoria’s Secret has apparently had several secrets. Low wages and few hours for part-time workers were among them. However, some employees have taken the secrets public and the result was an increase in wages...
JPMorgan Chase Is Said to Admit Fault in Settlement of Trade Loss  New York Times   ...JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay about $800 million to a host of government agencies in Washington and London — and make a groundbreaking admission of wrongdoing — to settle allegations stemming from a multibillion-dollar trading loss...
Nationwide protests against neonazi murder  Enet English   ...Police fired fired tear gas and deployed water canon at a number of the protests after some protesters set dumpsters on fire and started hurling projectiles at police lines...
In New York, Having a Job, or 2, Doesn’t Mean Having a Home  New York Times   ...With New York City’s homeless population in shelters at a record high of 50,000, a growing number of New Yorkers punch out of work and then sign in to a shelter, city officials and advocates for the homeless say...
Wisconsin: Judge rules state can't enforce parts of Walker law  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel...A Dane County judge ruled Tuesday the state cannot enforce key provisions of a law limiting collective bargaining against local government unions...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 09.19.13 Updated at : 4:37 AM
Thursday, September 19, 2013

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