First Student School Bus Workers Choose Teamsters  teamster.org   ...School bus drivers and monitors with First Student in Oak Park, Mich., have voted by an overwhelming 5-1 margin to join Teamsters Local 1038 in Detroit...
Dairy Workers in Georgia Join Local 528  teamster.org   ...On September 6, workers at Mayfield Dairy in Macon voted to become Teamsters by a nearly 3-1 margin. There are 32 transport drivers, route sales drivers and warehouse workers in the unit...
Sikorsky lays off 200 workers  Connecticut Post   ...Sikorsky Aircraft announced plans Thursday to cut its hourly workforce by 200 people, mostly here in Connecticut, in its second round of layoffs of that size this summer...
Allied Chooses Jack Cooper Bid  teamster.org   ...At the auction that concluded Thursday, September 12, Allied selected Jack Cooper Transport as the entity with the best and highest bid...
U.S. union UAW close to organizing at Volkswagen plant  Reuters   ...Volkswagen's factory at Chattanooga, Tennessee, is close to becoming the first U.S. car assembly plant run by a foreign company to have its workers officially represented by the United Auto Workers union, a German paper reported...
10 Reasons Millennials Are the Screwed Generation  AlterNet   ...Young people living in the United States have inherited a broken country. Here are the reasons…
Financial Crisis Cases Ending As SEC Struggles With Reputation  Fire Dog Lake   ...It has now been 5 years since Wall Street crashed the economy through its pump and dump mortgage derivative scheme. Few of the bad actors have been held accountable and none of the big ones... 
U.S. manufacturing rebirth fizzles as jobs still head overseas  Bloomberg News   ...Despite promises of a U.S. manufacturing resurgence, job gains in the field have stagnated as work continues to be sent to other countries...
The Pentagon Helped Pay for Gas on These Billionaires' Private Jets  Gawker   ...Guess who's been paying for jet fuel on behalf of a handful of billionaires? That's right—you...
Domestic Workers Bill of Rights passes Legislature  San Francisco Chronicle   ...Californians who hire a nanny, a cook, a maid or other domestic employees would be required to pay them overtime wages under a landmark bill that awaits Gov. Jerry Brown's signature...
USDA official defends pork inspection pilot program  Washington Post   ...A top food safety official at the USDA says that a pilot program for inspecting pork is working well, defending the experimental procedures being used in five hog plants around the country...
Federal judge rules Wisconsin's union reforms constitutional  Reuters   ...Wisconsin's controversial collective bargaining reforms do not violate the free speech and equal protection rights of public sector union workers, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday...
Union vows to fight Indiana right-to-work law on appeal  Associated Press   ...Indiana is appealing a ruling declaring the state’s right-to-work law unconstitutional, Attorney General Greg Zoeller said Thursday...
Louisiana Senator Wants to Shut Down Nation's Oil Supply Until Congress Funds Levee Project Mother Jones   ...Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) said Wednesday that Louisiana ought to shut down all of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico until the House of Representatives agrees to fund a much-needed levee project in her state designed to protect against Katrina-type storms...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 09.14.13 Updated at : 4:45 AM
Saturday, September 14, 2013

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