It's about access to oil and gas and the currency in which these resources are paid.The U.S. has much to lose, the RUSSIANS also. Thepuppet masters in the background come from SAUDI ARABIA and QATAR.

The U.S. wants to overthrow Assad, not for moral reasons, becausehe allegedly used chemical weapons, but for Geo and Eco -strategic interests.

The SYRIAN conflict is about the switch point in the international energy market, for wars are mostly fought over energy market accessand global politics.
The SYRIAN conflict became clearer from notes taken during the meeting between RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin and the SAUDI intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan. The question of who used poison gas in August is still unclear though the USA seems to be certain it was the Assad regimes responsibility, real legitimate evidence is still outstanding.

It would appear that two renowned reporters working for the Associated Press have conducted a rather different research in SYRIA regarding the chemical attack and came up with a different version. They claim that SAUDI intelligence was responsible for the poison gas used. This apparently becomes clear after numerous interviews that they have conducted on-site. Accordingly, the SAUDIS have brought weapons to SYRIA. Due to improper handling an explosion occurred which subsequently caused considerable number of casualties, including 12 terrorists.
If true, the U.S. would have to take action also against SAUDI ARABIA.
But that won’t happen. SAUDI ARABIA is next to ISRAEL the USAs closest ally in the GULF region.


In addition, more than a dozen of the rebels interviewed, allegedly claimed that they are on the payroll of the SAUDI government.
That SAUDI ARABIA supports the rebels is a known fact and was confirmed by interview notes obtained during a closed door session in a country house of RUSSIAN President Putin in August and SAUDI intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan, according to the Telegraph and the LEBANESE newspaper As Safir, referring to diplomatic sources.
Furthermore Bandar bin Sultan apparently told Putin also that:
"I can guarantee to protect the Olympic Games next year. The CHECHEN groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us. "

But the SAUDI intelligence chief is said to havenot only have control over the CHECHENrebels but could also guarantee the security of the RUSSIAN naval base in SYRIA,once the government of Bashar al-Assad is overthrown.He could “turn on and turn off” CHECHENrebels fighting in SYRIA as deemed necessary.
"These groups do not scare us. We use them to put pressure on the SYRIAN government, but they will play no role in SYRIA'S future. "


For the RUSSIANS, SYRIA is of enormous strategic importance because the RUSSIANS want to prevent QATAR becoming EUROPE’S alternative energy (gas) market. If RUSSIA loses its influence in SYRIA, this would mean thatthe RUSSIAN energy giant Gazprom faces serious competitive disadvantage over the GULF region. Currently, EUROPE is dependent heavily on RUSSIAN gas monopoly - especially in winter.
Interesting to note is that one of the most important political advisors to Gazpromis former GERMAN Chancellor Gerhard Schröder.

The SAUDIS are aware of Moscow’s economic interests, and thus offer them an end to the civil war scenario in SYRIA which would also be beneficial for the RUSSIANS. Thus the SAUDIintelligence chief suggested the RUSSIANS:
"Let us evaluate how to set up a joint RUSSIAN-SAUDI oil and energy strategy. The goal is to reach an agreement on oil price and flow rates in order to keep global markets and prices stable.(...) We understand RUSSIA’S interest in recent oil and gas findings in the EASTERN MEDITERRANEANSea ranging from ISRAEL, CYPRUS to the offshore of SYRIA and LEBANON.We also understand the importance of the RUSSIAN natural gas pipeline to EUROPE.(...) We could collaborate in this area."


Bandar emphasized that the offer comes not only from his country but is also seconded by the USA. SAUDI ARABIA went even as far as apparently offering RUSSIA an alliance withthe Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). RUSSIA and OPECprovide 45 percent of the world's oil.
Putin for some time now has perused such an agreement. If SAUDI ARABIA reduced its oil production, oil price would rise and the RUSSIA'Sgovernment could generate additional revenue. Putin, however, declined the offer of the SAUDIS, allegedly stating that:
"Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the SYRIAN government is the best representative of the SYRIAN people and not these cannibals."Putin allegedly responded, referring to a video that shows a rebel who is said to have eaten the heart and liver of SYRIAN soldiers.

Putin is gambling, because he is confident that the West will not be able to win a war in SYRIA. The FT wrote: The more the AMERICANS get caught up in SYRIA, the better for RUSSIA.

But the SAUDIS have a strong argument on their side: they plan together with QATAR a pipeline, which will run from the GULF to TURKEY. Thus Gazprom would face a strong competitor - especially in the important EUROPEAN market.

Pipeline project between IRAN, SYRIA and IRAQ, the trigger for US – French intervention? http://pipelinesinternational.com/news/iran_iraq_and_syria_sign_on_for_pipeline_to_europe/062853/

QATAR, which has supported SYRIAN Rebels with $ 3 billionwant to supply EUROPEwith natural gas through the pipeline. But as long as there is Assad in SYRIA, this pipeline will not be built because RUSSIA wants to prevent this competitive challenge by all means.

In addition of controlling the EUROPEAN energy market, there is also a new currency war emerging in order to eliminate the petro dollar and find an alternative currency to trade petroleum and natural gas with. The dollar, it is argued by some, is coming under increasing pressure to lose its status as the world reserve and oilcurrency. SAUDI ARABIAa loyal ally of the U.S. will hold onto the dollar as a trading currency. In the case of RUSSIA and to some extend CHINA, however, this is not such a clear cut case.
Since the meeting failure betweenPutin and Bandar, US and FRENCH pressure has increased steadily towards a military strike against SYRIA.

After the BRITISH rejected to participate in a military action the USA indicated it would, if need be, strike alone. The FRENCH however suddenly showed eager support for a military strike in SYRIA. Why the sudden enthusiasm of France to become involved in military action against a Syria? Could it be colonial ambitions – dreams, or simply a diversion from Frances precarious economic situation and the fear that oil prices are controlled by one cartel? On its own France would not be able to finance its participation in a military strike which leaves only one option, the French and the USA must brokered a lucrative eco – financial deal that could levitate France out of its current economic doldrums and secure the not so popular President Hollande another term in office.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

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