Got sick of that last post being on top and had to write something!  It's been a whirlwind of busy busy here.  One kid in year-round school is out for the next three weeks, the other kid wrapping up summer camp and getting ready for new class in September.  Super busy with work for new school year and some big projects with our other business... my head is spinning!!  Miss y'all

So anyway, the meme stolen from lil and others...

  1. What are you wearing? tank top and yoga pants
  2. Ever been in love? yes, silly question
  3. Ever had a terrible breakup? of course, even sillier question
  4. How tall are you? 5'2"
  5. How much do you weigh? 120
  6. Any tattoos do you want? nope
  7. Any piercings that you want? nope
  8. OTP? i had to look this up and it's too much work to think that hard lol
  9. Favorite Show? this changes so much because I tend to OD on a show and then move on.  right now it's Big Bang Theory and Duck Dynasty
  10. Favorite bands? Aerosmith and Bon Jovi
  11. Something you miss?  being cute enough not to need makeup.  or at least not looking like a corpse without it.
  12. Favorite song?  pretty much anything Aerosmith (all of it but mostly 90's) and Bon Jovi (80's)
  13. How old are you? 38
  14. Zodiac sign? aries
  15. Hair Color? dark brown
  16. Favorite Quote?  not really a quote but all the funny card things that get posted on facebook
  17. Favorite singer?  haven't we covered this?  if I've got to pick just one it's Steven Tyler
  18. Favorite color? teal
  19. Loud music or soft? pretty quiet unless it's in the car and we're singing and then it's necessary to be loud to drown out our own voices
  20. Where do you go when you're sad? bed
  21. How long does it take you to shower? depends on how soon a child starts screaming after i get in.  Uninterrupted, probably about 15 minutes.
  22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? depends on how long said screaming child takes to get ready... All by myself, less than half hour.
  23. Ever been in a physical fight? nope, always kept an entourage that had my back
  24. Turn ons?  playing with my hair, pretty much any touch
  25. Turn offs? body odor and bad breath
  26. The reason I joined Tumblr?  what's tumbler?
  27. Fears? being alone
  28. Last thing that made you cry? when i deleted the website for one of my businesses
  29. Last time you cried? yesterday
  30. Meaning behind your url?  For my blog?  ChickiesBrain - My nickname when i was a baby was chickadee or chickie, so that's that.  My brain because it's just where i can dump out my brain and somebody listens... and then proceeds to pretty much tell me to quit being stupid.
  31. Last book you read? My nook needs to be shot.  It crashes about every 2-3 pages, then I have to reopen it and skim through to figure out what page I'm on.  And it overheats and kills the battery if I unplug it.  Ya hear that Santa?  Then I give up and eventually download it onto my computer and read that way.  I have read the first 25 pages or so of Safe in his Arms.  I'd love to know firsthand if it's a good book. 
  32. Last song you listened to? The Smurfs theme song.  over and over.  It was the only way to get the kids to stop bickering in the car.  I'm wondering what color smurf blood is.
  33. Last show you watched? Two and a Half Men is on now
  34. Last person you talked to?  hubby, sort of, if you call that talking...  Actual conversation was with my daughter
  35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?  I'm her boss, but becoming friends. 
  36. Favorite food?  most anything smothered in cheese or gravy, especially if said thing is a carb
  37. Place you want to visit? italy
  38. Last place you were? the bathroom maybe?
  39. Do you have a crush?  yea and it's not my hubby
  40. Last time you kissed someone? if smooching on my kids counts, a little while ago.  Kissing hubby... Seriously have no earthly idea.  Not even a peck for far too long.
  41. Last time you were insulted and what was it?  A couple weeks ago I saw an online comment about me in regards to the way I do business.  Apparently I'm a bitch because I won't discount my fees by the 20% they demanded in exchange for the "many customers" they promised to bring me.  We already have a very generous referral program.  They wanted the referral credit plus a permanent discount.
  42. What color underwear are you wearing? lol had to look - turquise and white stripey
  43. What color shirt are you wearing? black
  44. What color bottoms are you wearing? black
  45. Wearing any bracelets? nope
  46. Last sport you played? not played but i ride the fat pony around and used to compete so it counts, right?
  47. Last song you sang? those MF-ing smurfs again lol
  48. Last prank call you remember doing? really?  i can't remember if i ate breakfast today.  cannot possibly remember details from the early 80's
  49. Last time you hung out with anyone?   dinner out with the fam today
  50. Favorite movie?  Hangover - the first one.  Or maybe Anchorman.  Well pretty much anything that keeps me laughing most of the time and appeals to my slightly extremely warped sense of humor.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo meme Updated at : 6:07 PM
Thursday, August 22, 2013

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