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I thought I'd give you a round up of the most popular posts here on this blog for the last 6 months. I like when Richard Byrne does it because sometimes I pick up on things I might have missed. Some of these posts are from prior years but because of current discussions are resonating now.

  1. 89 Lesson Plans and Ideas for teaching Math
  2. 89 cool apps, sites and tools for teaching this came out in April 2013 so it is very popular to end up on this list.
  3. 15 Fantastic Ways to Use Flipboard - I keep updating this post with new information. This is an example of how a post can become evergreen if you keep nurturing it.
  4. QR Code Implementation Guide - With over 1631 tweets in the USA alone, this is one of my most Tweeted posts ever written.
  5. My Freebies - My sister helped me design an internet safety poster which you can download for free (you can get large sized prints at cafe press as well). This isn't really a blog post, but I wanted you to know about it since so many are finding it useful.
  6. 10 Ways to be a Terrible Teacher another highly tweeted post
  7. 50 Teaching and Lesson plans that rock
  8. Making the Case for Cell phones in Schools
  9. 7 Key Ingredients in the successful 21st Century Classroom April 2013
  10. 10 ways to End the School Year on an Up Note when You're Exhausted May 2013
  11. 15 Wrong Ways to Implement Common Core I mention this because it came out in May also and because of the traffic, I think it is important. Also because it was a guest post by Johnna Weller.
As part of my personal learning this summer, I've joined Platform University by Michael Hyatt along with my friend Aaron Mauer @coffeechugbooks. I'm wanting to become intentional about understanding the posts and work I do here that resonate with you. 

Why you should share what you like wherever it is

Realize that people who blog seriously look at stats and when you reshare things, you quite literally "vote" that up as being important. When I come across great work, I always try to share it for exactly this reason. 

We are quite unwittingly "programming" the world around us. It is important to elevate good, noble content wherever we see it, especially in education. This is a hidden part of the web that many people don't realize is there.

Hope you enjoy some of these posts on your long weekend in the US. Feel free to let me know in the comments if there are topics you'd like me to tackle.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Top 10 Cool Cat Teacher Posts (first six months of 2013) Updated at : 6:02 AM
Thursday, July 4, 2013

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