Okay, very serious and extremely important question here lol

So… if you have long hair, what do you do with it?  Not while out and about, I’m talking about after-hours.  You know, when you’re doing things where your hair gets in your mouth and becomes a problem.  Stop, fix the hair, start again… And then at other points it tangles over your face and then it’s a problem again.  It does make a good handle and all, but geez!

See, it’s a fairly new issue for us now that there’s a majorly different tone to things.

I’ve been sticking it in a sloppy twisty up bun like thing.  It keeps it from getting too tangly and I brush it out before going to sleep. It's not crazy long, it's always in the back bra-strap area.

Fast forward to the hairdresser this weekend.  My hair is crazy thick and you just can’t do anything with it so I go with boring. I get a couple inches cut off a few times a year and its fine.  Same hairdresser every time so she knows my annoying hair well despite the gaps in attention.

“Why have you been wearing it in a ponytail so much?”

Huh? I don’t wear one often because it tends to give me a headache.  “Why?”

“Look at the back of your head.  You’ve got tons of broken hair here and it’s getting frizzy.  And see how it’s getting sun-bleached in the damaged area?”

Crap.  Now, I know good and darn well how it’s getting broken.  I didn't fess up, of course, that it’s not from wearing a ponytail all day.  I promised her I’d wear ponytails less often and I’d use spray conditioner before putting it up.  So now what?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Question for ya Updated at : 6:57 AM
Monday, July 22, 2013

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