Hola y’all! As you probably know there is a big scandal brewing here in the good old U.S. of A. It turns out that the IRS was “targeting” Tea Party groups in 2011 and 2012 putting them under extra scrutiny than most 501(c)4 filings. Any group that files under that section of the tax code who wants to be a nonprofit may NOT engage in political campaigns. They can run “issue” ads and campaign for or against legislation, but they can’t endorse candidates or run ads for or against a particular candidate.

Anyhoodle, our crack staff of investigative reporters here at IWS World Media obtained some of the Tea Party filings and can reveal to the world the expenses they were claiming …

1. 150,000 hand-held American flags. (Made in China, showing their frugality.) 

2. 2,500 boxes of Liption tea bags. (Makes sense right? Can’t have a Tea Party w/o Tea Bags!)

3. 200 boxes of the 200 meter rolls of Aluminum Foil. (Tin Foil Hats for everyone!)

4. 25,000 copies of “Being George Washington: The Indispensable Man as you’ve Never Seen Him Before” by Glenn Beck (Reading material is important for any grassroots organization.)

5. 4 Copies of Pat Boone’s “Greatest Hits” CD.  (This one is a little fishy.)

6. 100 Hoverounds for top officers. (Well, they gotta be able to get around and keep people fired up at the big rallies.)

7. 100 cases of Depends. (Very unfortunate that this had to be made public. Getting older is natural and it happens to everyone.)

8. 150,000 square feet of high-end office space in midtown New York City. (Gotta have a home office)

9. Various amounts of office supplies, party supplies and sign making materials. (Well, somebody has to make those “Obama = Hitler” and “Obama’s Plan: White Slavery” signs!)

10. 1,000,000 “Guns, Guts and God: The Three That Set Us Free” bumper stickers. (Needed for obvious reasons.)

Ha! You know folks; it was just as recently as three weeks ago or so that we all were talking about what crazy, paranoid, conspiracy-theory spewing nutcases conservatives are. Since then we had a terrorist attack by a Muslim who the FBI actually interviewed a year ago but didn’t bother with any kind of follow up or monitoring, all kinds of new information that does seem to show that the White House, State Department and the C.I.A. haven’t been fully forthcoming on Benghazi, a guy was arrested in West, Texas where that fertilizer plant blew up for possession explosive devices, the DOJ secretly obtained phone numbers and information on Associated Press reporters and the IRS has admitted to “targeting” Tea Party groups!

Well, who’s laughing now, huh?

Look y’all. Benghazi has always been nothing more than political circus. It’s a side show with people like Lindsay “Please Don’t Put up an Opponent in the Republican Primary against Me” Graham acting as the carnival barker. I said a long time ago that Benghazi was about Hillary Clinton and 2016 and the republicans aren’t even denying that now.

But, this IRS targeting groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their name is some pretty sinister shit y’all. This real Banana Republic activities that America is supposed to be so far above. And I don’t want to hear any of that “both sides do things like this” crap. Nor do I want to hear about how badly we need to crack down on 510(c)4 organizations either. I know we do, but to start it by going after THE OPPOSITION just isn’t gonna end well.

The worst part is that once someone does something like using the IRS to target the opposition, it immediately becomes “just the way things are done.” This means that whenever the republicans take back the White House, they will do the same thing and it will be accepted as part of the political circus that our country has become. Everyone should be angry about that.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo President Barack Hussein Nixon Updated at : 9:00 PM
Monday, May 13, 2013

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