This break from Weight Watchers was exactly what I needed (not that I'd ever recommend becoming pregnant if you're burned out on your healthy eating journey!).  It has been so nice, and such a breath of fresh air, to just relax about food and not worry about every single thing I eat.

Having said that, I'm still looking forward to being done with pregnancy and getting back to weight loss.  It's fine whenever you have a legitimate excuse - I'm gaining weight because I'm pregnant.  Not so much when you're not growing a human!

I'm trying to take things one day at a time right now.  Over the last few weeks, I've developed heart palpitations along with a lot of cramping.  I've been under the care of a cardiologist who thinks everything is okay, but I'm still awaiting the test results from some blood work and the heart monitor I wore for 24 hrs.  I also go for an echo-cardiogram (a sonogram of the heart) next Tuesday.  Heart palpitations are something that can be normal for pregnant women due to the fact that we're pumping 50% more blood through our bodies, and also because the heart enlarges by about 12% when pregnant.  I pray that all of this checks out okay! Personally, I think much of this is due to stress, and I'm thankful that my doctor recently granted me full time work-from-home status just this week.  That is a huge burden lifted!

This is a total sidebar... but this picture below was from our baby moon to Virginia Beach a few weeks back.  Joel thought he could rent this bike and ride me around for an hour or so.  Uhhhh - who thinks he was being a little too optimistic??? He didn't make it 2 hotel lengths on the boardwalk before he was out of breath and saying "I can't do this!"  I was cracking up!  So we rented this thing for 2 hours and returned it in 15 minutes.  I had a hard time pedaling because of my belly and the awkward seating.  God love him...

While that crappy doctor that gave me a hard time about my weight gain insisted that all the cramping I was having was normal, the recent doctor's visit on Monday proved otherwise.  He thought my cervix was too short, and sent me to the hospital for more testing.  Turns out everything is fine, and I am definitely having cramps (proven by the fetal heart rate monitor), but not strong enough to be contractions yet.  That's all great news!  So, the mean doctor might have been right, but I feel much better knowing I've been checked out instead of someone just telling me everything is okay.

This weekend we're having maternity pictures taken, and next weekend we will be at a baby shower in Pennsylvania!  The end of pregnancy will be here before I know it, and I'm getting very nervous about it as each day passes.  I fear the pain, and I fear I won't be able to handle it even though I do want drugs.  Some people say not to get the drugs too early. Others tell me they got it and then it wore off by the time delivery came.  Still others tell me the drugs didn't even work for them.  Too much to worry about!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo 7.5 Weeks to Go! Updated at : 7:34 PM
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

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