Well, it turns out that surgeons are human after all. Who knew? Just as my ride to the hospital pulled into my driveway yesterday at 7:30am, I received a phone call from the hospital that my surgeon had called in sick.

I wasn't mad at all, just terribly disappointed. It never occurred to me that my surgeon might get sick. I hadn't taken a Vicodin at 2am when the last dose had worn off. Since I couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight, I couldn't take the Vicodin. It makes me really nauseated if I take it without food. By 4am I thought if I wasn't going to the hospital in a few hours that I'd be driving myself to the ER. The pain was excruciating. The first thing I did after the phone call was take two Vicodin and go to bed.

The surgery is scheduled for Thrusday, 4/11 at 6am. This morning I thought I'd try to go without the Vicodin, and if I was okay, I'd go into the office. As expceted, the pain was once again unbearable and constant. In the beginning it would come and go without pain meds, now it comes and stays.

Back on the Vicodin. This means I can't go into work. They have a very strict rule of no narcotics while on the job. I'm also not suppose to drive while on Vicodin. So now I'm stuck at home and really can't do much of anything except read, watch TV or surf the internet. All of which puts me into instant sleep mode.

My newest side effect of my fibroid is that eating has become very unpleasant experience. Even the smallest amount of food sends me to a new level of pain. I guess because the my stomach presses down on my enlarged uterus causing the fibroid to then press down even harder on my cervix. I'm not sure if that's the problem, but I know that even when on the Vicodin, eating food causes pain almost instantly. Maybe I've found a new diet plan, "rapidly growing fibroid removes desire to eat". I somehow don't think this will be popular with the masses.

I sure do miss my good health. You never know how good you had it until it's gone. Once this is over, I plan on giving my health 100% focus. Okay, sleep time is coming on. I guess I'll go lay down now.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Update on surgery...there is no update Updated at : 7:19 AM
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

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