Matt Fertilizes…Jay Fertilizes…You Grow.

Matt:  Hiya Chuckles!!
Jay:  What‘s Up?
Matt:  My blood alcohol concentration. I’m on my third Steel Reserve.
Jay:  Well make sure you take notes then, or we’ll be having this discussion again tomorrow.
Matt:  Okay hold on… writing down, “Take Notes.”  Got it.
Jay:  Oh this will be good.

Matt:  Hey!!
Jay:  What?
Matt:  It is so cool that Dana is going to be on our show Sunday to discuss her surgery.
Jay:  I know right?  After all the fun we have had, and continue to have at her expense, she’s coming on.
Matt:  Such a trooper.
Jay:  Man…as much shit as we have given her, she is a Super Trooper!!
Matt:  And she is getting healthy…getting in shape…good spring time thing to do.
Jay:  Oh Hell yeah.

Matt:  Hey…We could call this Sunday’s show…Spring Cleaning!!
Jay:  We could but that doesn’t really relate to Dana’s surgery.
Matt:  Yeah, okay.  Hmmmmm?
Jay:  We could however, incorporate the vernal rebirth of life and other things that come along with Spring.

Matt:  Damn right...Window opening.  Plant planting.  Gutter cleaning.
Jay:  Car tune-ups.  Becoming one with Nature.  Allergy sneezing.
Matt:  Cooking out.
Jay:  Drinking beer.
Matt and Jay:  Women wearing access-friendly, low-cut shirts, and high, tight shorts.  Sahhhhlute!!

Jay:  Oh shit dude!!
Matt:  Oh No!!  What?
Jay:  Dana has had some complications, and will be going back into the hospital, and can’t be on Sunday.
Matt:  Oh Holy Hell!!  That’s awful.
Jay:  I know…I hope she’s going to be okay.
Matt:  Well yeah…I mean, that too, but now we need a new guest on short notice.

Jay:  See?  That’s why some people just don’t like you.  Simply thinking about yourself.
Matt: I’m sorry.  I’ll put a shout out for prayers for Dana on Facebook.
Jay:  And you think that makes your cold and callous selfishness okay?
Matt:  Well, I mean…I cou---
Jay:  But…That was pretty rude of her to say she’d come on the show and then have complications.
Matt:  I know right!?

Jay:  I guess now WE have to get a hold of Martin, Jim Ed Dobbs, and Dixie Ozark so they can help out.
Matt:  Yep.  And Paul Piatt, Stubby Stonehenge, and perhaps that new Nursery down the road.
Jay:  Jesus Christ…When people get sick or have an operation, they never realize how it affects others.
Matt:  Tell me about it.  Schmoop still has this phantom tube sticking out of her gut.

Jay:  Well…in spite of Dana’s ill-timed remittance to Haughtier Than You Hospital, we’ll make it work.
Matt:  Because we are professionals.
Jay:  At least we have that.
Matt:  We’ll talk Spring and have a good time.
Jay:  Damn right, because at long last, Spring has sprung.

Matt:  Word, and maybe…people will call-in and tell us how much they love lack of winter.
Jay:  If they don’t, we can always blame it on Dana.
Matt:  And we will.

Jay and Matt:  But everyone…Join us LIVE this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET for the IWS Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio by clicking, HERE!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Matt Said, Jay Said...74>24 Degrees Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, April 26, 2013

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