Hola Y’all! Man, social media is being completely overrun with deep thoughts. People keep posting all these sweet, funny, cute, introspective quotes and sayings all over the place and I, for one, have had enough. I’m thinking that it’s just about time to start responding to some of them…

“There’s a degree of difficulty in dealing with me.”  To which I want to reply: “Eh, probably not worth it.”

“If you don’t fight for what you love, don’t cry for what you lose.” What if you do fight and still lose? Can you cry then? Probably not you insensitive asshole!

“Just because I let you go doesn’t mean that I wanted to.” If you didn’t want to you wouldn’t have. Don’t give me that “I had to” crap. You watch too man romantic comedies for your own good.

“Standing up for yourself … Even if no one is on your side.” This one is usually posted by people who aren’t under any kind of “attack” and have oodles and oodles of people on “their side.”

“Prove to me you’re not like the rest.”  Yeah, well why don’t YOU have to prove to ME that YOU’RE not like the rest?

“Even the nicest people have their limits.” Yes we do and if people don’t stop posting these “deep thoughts” all then you’re gonna reach MY LIMIT!

“Sometimes we are like stars. We fall to make someone’s wish come true.” What kind of asshole hopes someone falls? That’s just rude.

Then you’ve got all of the “What Women Deserve” quotes. Oh God these drive me so fucking crazy!

"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

“If they don’t appreciate you, they don’t deserve you.”

“A woman who doesn’t ask for anything deserves everything.”

“If you still carry her bags, open the door for her, tell her she’s beautiful and show her respect, you’re a REAL MAN.”

“Either you treat your girl right or sit back and watch someone else do it.”

And on and on and on! Holy moly people! Enough with this crap! You know why these piss me off so much? No, not because they’re true, but because they present things like “love and respect” as something ONLY women deserve. There is no acknowledgement that love and respect are two-way streets. You have to give to get, ya know?

If a guy posts a satirical “Men get Screwed and Women are Liars” he gets crushed with comments and emails calling him a sexist and misogynist and worse. However, if a woman were to post a “Women get Screwed and Men are Liars” article she would be celebrated. Mommy Bloggers love to post articles about how horrible their husbands are and how terrible they get treated by their husbands and all that. What happens when they do that? Everyone goes to the comment section to trash the hell out of a man they’ve never met. Everyone just takes the Mommy Blogger’s word for it.

The truth is there are a lot of really shitty guys out there who treat their girlfriends and wives like absolute crap. Those are the guys that have a line of women chasing after them. Also, there are a lot of really good, decent, loving and respectful guys out there. Those are the ones women mock and dismiss with a chuckle and wave of their hand.

Okay, I don’t know where the previous paragraph came from. Anyway, my point here is, and I do have one, that maybe if we focused on treating others with the love and respect THEY deserve, we’ll find we get the love and respect we keep DEMANDING. Maybe? It’s worth a try, right?

Oh, and for God’s sake … Enough with all the deep thoughts! Sheesh!

Also, don’t forget to check out this week’s episode of I’m With Stupid! We took a little trip down memory lane and played a lot of the old audio files we made back in the day. Lots of great stuff like “Joyous Joe’s Retirement Camp” and “Poncherello’s Taco Bella’s” and “Fast Freddie’s Funerals” and an interview with President Obama and a live remote from Schmoop’s uterus and the list goes on and on and on!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo We All Get What We Give Updated at : 9:00 PM
Sunday, March 10, 2013

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