I have a few things that I want to accomplish before the baby arrives.

1. Daycare: Many have warned us that we have to start as soon as possible in order to get ourselves on the waiting lists.  Just like I did with wedding planning, I'm procrastinating hardcore on this task.  It just seems complicated - choosing the right childcare for our kid, and hoping that you're getting your money's worth for the care they provide.  We're also in an unusual position where we won't necessarily ever need childcare a full 5 days/week.  I know that daycares don't allow you to pick and choose, so we're also considering a nanny.  Decisions, decisions.

2. Knitting: I've always wanted to learn how to knit and what better time than now?  Especially since I'm not currently taking nursing classes, I have much more free time.  My neighbor, Amelia, got me started with the basic knit stitch, and so I've decided to proceed with that - constructing a lavender baby blanket for the little lady.  So far I have just 5 squares done.  It takes me forever!  Amelia has promised to help me stitch the squares together once I'm ready.  I have 35 more squares to go - I hope I can make it in time!

I hope to work up to Kelly's level where I can actually read/follow a pattern and do more than just a simple baby blanket.
3. Getting rid of stuff:  We've been diligently cleaning out our spare bedroom (and the whole condo!) to convert it into a nursery.  So far we've made great progress, but there are still some big ticket items that need to go.  I've listed our old desk on Craigslist, and I have an entire Rubbermaid tote FILLED with books I've already read.  Those have been listed on Half.com. (Most of them are super cheap too - just 75 cents!)

4. Nursery Furniture:  We already have the crib, but we need to get the remaining furniture.  I'm not big on changing tables - they just don't seem like a practical piece of furniture - so I'd prefer to get a 6-drawer dresser that can serve as both the changing table and dresser.  Still, it's hard to find a 6-drawer dresser that isn't more than $500.  We're not trying to invest too much into this furniture, since we will be moving again sometime in the future, and who knows how many more times, and I don't want to have anything super nice that will just get knocked around in future moves.

5. Photography:  I've always had an interest in photography, but now that I have a DSLR I really want to take full advantage of all it can do.  I took an online class last summer via a LivingSocial deal (it was so-so), but I want to do more.  I have a photography book I want to get through, as well as tackle some more techniques in both Photoshop and Lightroom.  I like taking pictures of people, not scenes or objects, so it's been kind of tough finding people to practice on.  BUT, soon I will have a great subject to practice on and I can't wait :).

6. Financials:  My parents set me up with a life insurance policy a long time ago, but it wasn't doing so well and they finally cashed it in and gave me the money.  Now that I'm married, Joel and I really need to get a policy established and I'd like to get an education fund started for the baby.  One of the greatest gifts I've ever been given was having my college education paid in full for me thanks to my generous parents!  I want to be able to do the same for my child.  I do welcome input on this area - do you have an investment company that you work with that works well?

Do you have any big things you're trying to check off your to-do list between now and when the summer months start?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Projects Before Baby Arrives Updated at : 7:32 AM
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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