Matt O’Speaks…Jay O’Speaks…You, O’Lis…

Stop It!!  Stop It!!…You tandem of secular, Baby Jesus hating sunzabitches!!  William Donahue, President of the Catholic League here, and I am going to put a stop to your sacrilegious shenanigans, and your Christphobic phhhhhhornication of the Holy Spirit.

It’s my turn to speak, and I am speaking on behalf of the 1.2 Billion Catholics, and by proxy, speaking on behalf of the billions of less holy, non-Catholic “Christians.”

Do you two Goddam nut jobs have anywhere close to that number of followers?  Hell no you don’t…you…you, rage against the Deus ex Machina bastards.

I saw your post about His Holiness Pope Francis I on Thursday, and to wanted smack you upside your simple and symbiotic heads with a bag full of hot nickels and piss Holy Water all over you twos.  And now…

I find out that you twos freakin’ amoral sunzabitches have scheduled a two hour long Blog Talk Radio Show on St. Patrick’s Day, this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET!!

WTF?  Only having forty-five minutes of bashing Jesus of Nazarene hasn’t been enough for you?

Oh yeah, I also read on your BTR promo where this Sunday’s is going to be a good time as you “celebrate” the venerable St. Patrick, but I know what is truly going to come out of the bowels of you twos during those two hours…


You’ll make fun of stroke victims like Kirk Douglas, have some gay guy named Joshua give a report from the Babylon that is Hollywood.  You’ll mock Pope Francis I, make fun of Catholics and the Papacy, and knowing you guys, you’ll trash the likes of fine Christians like Dick Morris…Heathens!!

What else will you be airing funny boys?  Poetry from that patch on his elbows wearing Paul Piatt?  Is Matt-Man gonna sing off key again?  Is Slyder Balzcock gonna report on the All-Ireland Hurling finals and turn it into something dirty?

Oh, you two are a load…A load of anti-Messianic HATE!!

Hell at least the goddamn Jews and Romans only killed Christ once, you twos seem to do it every goddamn day!!  If I were Christ, and I think I am, I would rather spend two hours bleeding on the cross rather than listening to you twos IWS Radio Show this St. Patrick’s Day from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.

I’m not going to listen to your show this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET, but I want everyone else to listen, and you know why?

I want them to discover what virulent, God-Hating, Anti-Christ Loving joke tellers you are.  I want them to see and hear the truth about you twos.

So my flock…In case you missed the obvious links in this post about these twos, you can catch their show Sunday the 17th from Noon-2 PM ET by clicking HERE.

Damn their souls…Damn Them!!

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Bill Donahue
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Posted by: Tukiyooo MSJS...A.D. 2013 Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, March 15, 2013

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