Matt yada-yada-yada’s, Jay yada-yada-yada’s, You LOL!

Matt: Cheers!
Jay: Holaaaaaaaaaaa!
Matt: You can never practice your trademark saying often enough.
Jay: Damn right! Practice makes perfect. Or something.
Matt: Do you hear that?
Jay: Do you just stay in the bathroom all day?
Matt: Well, that’s not far off, but I’m not peeing right now.
Jay: *listens closely*
Matt: Do you know what that noise is?
Jay: Are you cooking something on the stove.
Matt: I’m pre-cooking my burgers that I will have for lunch.
Jay: They sound delicious!
Matt: If you into meat.
Jay: Oh I am.
Matt: This is why I’m not worried about Zombies.
Jay: They eat meat?
Matt: Just cook them up a burger, they’ll give up brains.
Jay: That might be brilliant.
Matt: Of course it is!
Jay: Adrianne Curry and her teeny-tiny thong would agree.
Matt: Oh hell yes!
Jay: We should get her on the show.
Matt: I don’t see why she wouldn’t. We’re PREMIUM, you know!
Jay: Goddam right we are!

Jay: So otherwise how’s you?
Matt: Eh…Fine.
Jay: Just “fine?”
Matt: Yeah, what’s wrong with fine?
Jay: Nothing if you’re a hot chick or hair.
Matt: Good point, I’m above average. How’s you?
Jay: Most excellent!
Matt: You’re probably exaggerating.
Jay: I never exaggerate.
Matt: Never?
Jay: If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you TWO TRILLION TIMES, I don’t exaggerate.
Matt: Well, okay then.
Jay: So is Tube Girl tubeless?
Matt: I’m waiting for a call.
Jay: From who?
Mat: Schmoop, dummy!
Jay: Oh! So you don’t know yet?
Matt: Right. Sheesh.
Jay: Well you could have said that.
Matt: But, I didn’t.
Jay: Hope the tube is out though.
Matt: I’m sure it will be. (Spoiler Alert: it is!!!)
Jay: She’ll have to come on the show and talk about the tube removal.
Matt: Great plan.

Matt: So we doing an hour Saturday night?
Jay: Yeah, an hour sounds about right.
Matt: No reason to go TOO late into the night.
Jay: Not at our age.
Matt: So we just winging it again?
Jay: Kinda. We have all these old audios from back in the day.
Matt: I think I know where you’re going.
Jay: We can go back and play a lot of them.
Matt: Remind people of what once was before BTR changed the rules.
Jay: And will be again, now that we’re premium.
Matt: I like it.
Jay: And in between we’ll talk about whatever is happening in the world.
Matt: We can do it.
Jay: It will be fun times!
Matt: We need a title.
Jay: I’ve got us covered.
Matt: Oh, you’ve been thinking about this eh?
Jay: The Sound and the Funny
Matt: I love it!
Jay: So there we go!
Matt: Saturday at 11 PM ET!
Jay: One last time!
Matt: I’m already feeling nostalgic.
Jay: No me, I hate that timeslot.
Matt: Me too. Sunday’s rock!
Jay: Hell yeah!
Matt: But first, The Sound and the Funny.
Jay: Gonna be awesome!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Matt Said, Jay Said 33 1/3 Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, March 8, 2013

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