It's a girl!!

12 weeks
 Yes, we are having ourselves a sweet, little lady.  Now, obviously there has to be a story that goes along with this.  As Joel would say, "You can't simply give the facts - you have to tell it as a 'story'".  I like to think of it as a gift!

Cutting to the chase, however, I did want a boy.  We both did.  In fact, I'd always said that should I ever get pregnant one day, I was convinced that I would only make boys.  I like boy things and I love the idea of having a mommy's boy.  I love my little almost-2 year old nephew so much (not that I don't also love my niece, but he is just special to me as a little man!) and felt such a repoire with him - I felt like I would only ever produce boys.  Yes, I know this is crazy-talk.  I know we don't get to pick and choose!  But, I was dreamin'!

Even after learning of the pregnancy, I was still convinced it was a boy.  During my last appointment for 2012, the doctor said I could learn the gender on February 4, and the countdown began!  I could not WAIT.  I was so anxious the day of the appointment that Joel had to take a break from holding my hand because of how sweaty it was.  I warned him it would get slick :).

The ultrasound tech began to perform the full anatomy scan as we anxiously awaited our fate.  Joel and I both discussed ahead of time that since we didn't want to have a child in the first place, it would probably be a girl since we especially wanted a boy!  Yes, the G-man continues to test us and remind us that this is His plan, not ours!  Sure enough, our lady confirmed the gender as a girl.  Joel said the moisture from my hands was immediately sucked dry and the look on my face was somber.  Yeah, it's true.  I cried during the ultrasound.

I had the boy's life already planned for him - the bedding/theme picked out.  His name.  All of his little clothes I couldn't wait to get for him.  I wouldn't even so much as glance at girl stuff in the stores because I just KNEW we were having a boy.  Wrong!

After the u/s appt was over, I had my monthly appointment immediately following it, where they confirmed that the baby looked as it should for this timeframe, and that because she was so active they had a hard time accounting for all her fingers and toes.  The tech literally could not count each individual digit because of how active she was.  Still, I'm not worried about her, and if she comes out with a finger or toe missing - then we'll count our blessings!  Worse things could happen.

20 weeks - I <3 her so much already :)
Joel tried his best to cheer me up.  Initially, I said that once we found out that we were, in fact, having a boy, that we would stop by Carter's on the way home so I could pick up some crab-themed outfits (Joel is from Maryland - the blue crab capital of the world! - and hence the baby's to-be theme).  I just didn't have it in me to go to Carter's to shop for girl clothes, but Joel convinced me we had to.  And as we walked into the store, there on a display table right directly in front of us was a little gift from God: little girl outfits with both crabs and fish all over them (Joel is a HUGE fisherman - he has his own fishing YouTube channel - and this was part of the fantasy of having a boy - so that he could be his daddy's fishing buddy.  Yes I know girl's can fish too.  But a fantasy is a fantasy.).  I was SO happy!  You have to realize that I've been in Carter's several times just fantasy shopping since we found out about the pregnancy, and I have NEVER seen these outfits there before.  We literally bought every single thing  that had a fish or crab on it for our daughter.

24 weeks
Now that more time has passed, and I've had the opportunity to do a little more shopping for the little lady, I'm much more excited about our future with her.  She already has a nicely stocked closet filled with clothes, and I've been slowly buying diapers in all sizes.  Plus, every single day the little lady is hard at work squirming around in there - and it's such a comfort feeling her movements throughout the day.  Joel has not yet been able to feel her (I'm now 24 weeks) but hopefully it won't be long before he can!  

What was your favorite part about being pregnant?  What was your reaction when you found out what you were having?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Did I Tell You? Updated at : 9:04 AM
Monday, March 4, 2013

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