Hola y’all! I’m not one of those people who hates change. I don’t normally dread it or fight it. In fact, I welcome change. Hell, I’ve moved like 20 times total in my life so obviously change isn’t that big of a deal to me. Sometimes I make changes in my life just for the hell of it even. In fact, I’m kind of dying to make all kinds of changes right now.

Over at IWS Radio we’re always changing. We’ve changed the intro oodles of times and …. AND …. it might be changed again this week. Who knows how many new segments we’ll come up with and then just casually forget to do again stop doing for whatever reason over the next few months? Change is good! Change keeps things fresh! Change keeps us from getting into a rut and just doing the same thing over and over and over.

This week, I was FORCED to change banks. My bank, Bank of America, sold all their branches in my area to Arvest. I was a little bummed by this because this was change I never asked for or wanted. Luckily, it involved little to no action on my part though. The switchover went off without a hitch and now I have a new bank! I get to go into the new branches and check out all the babes working the counter and maybe even take out a loan just for the fun of it. See? Change is good!

Sometimes though, people or companies make changes that just don’t work. Then they try to make it all better by making MORE changes. Worse than that, a lot times their changes are for no reason and have no real plan behind them. This never works out well.

A great example of bad people who make bad changes all the time is Tumblr. Every single time they make changes, their site becomes less useful. It’s almost as if they do focus groups of Tumblrs to find out what features they like most and then say “Let’s get rid of those features immediately!” Granted I’ve been hating on Tumblr lately, but it just annoys me so much!

Facebook loves to make changes too. I don’t have the NEW Facebook yet. Well, I guess I don’t. The last time they made changes lots of people said they hated it, but I liked it. I like the ticker over on the upper right and easily ignore the ads just to the right of the News Feed. The thing about Facebook’s changes is that they tend to reset everyone’s settings to some default that nobody wants when they make changes. Also, they love to tell me that they “removed” someone from my ticker or feed because I’m not interacting with them much. Yo, big brother, I’ll decide who is on my feed and who isn’t, thank you very much! Also, why do I always have to reset my feed to “Most Recent” several times a day? Haven’t you notice that I do that ALL the time?

But, when it comes to making bad changes, NOBODY beats Twitter! It seems like every change they make sucks. Recently they made the suckiest change of all. They decided to kill TweetDeck. Well, not completely. Very soon TweetDeck will not work as a separate desktop program. It will only work within your browser. Yes, there will still be a TweetDeck, but it won’t be as useful and won’t have all the same features. I get that Twitter can do whatever they want with their products, but I don’t get the theory behind making them less easy and fun to use!

So, my point is, and I do have one, change isn’t bad. Change is something that should be embraced and even done willingly. But, there has to be a plan and it has to be for the better. Lots of software companies seem to forget the “for the better” part.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Change is Good, Unless it's Bad Updated at : 9:00 PM
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

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