Now, there have been a few wins. 

In terms of food, I went from not being able to stand chocolate of any kind, to eating it like I normally would (binging), and now I've progressed to eating it in moderation.  Though, I'm still not overly crazy about chocolate like I once was.  I would honestly be okay if this food aversion stuck with me post pregnancy - chocolate is a HUGE downfall of mine!  While I'm not eating the best, most nutritious of foods, there are still a ton of foods that I simply cannot eat because they are unappealing, and thus would make me sick (french fries, greek yogurt, mac & cheese, chicken soup, granola bars, the list goes on!). 

Another huge win - automatic portion control!  I cannot overeat anything.  I get too full too quickly.  Not only that, but I'm pretty much satisfied once I've had a taste of whatever food I was desiring.  I went through a phase with candy, mainly sour candy.  As much as I love the sour taste of Sour Patch Kids or Sour Gummy Worms in my mouth, if I eat too many of them I'm sick.  I have been on a huge candy/sweetness kick, but my body is definitely letting me know that despite what my tongue is desiring, my belly nor baby does not appreciate it! 

Another example is that of Girl Scout Cookies.  Joel brought me a box of Thin Mints, Tag Alongs, and Samoas.  My pre-pregnancy self would have been shaking with anticipation of busting in to those puppies.  But, I had 2 Tag Alongs as soon as I opened the box and that was enough for me.  I even ended up not being able to finish the entire box of Samoas because I grew tired of them, so.... holy crap... I threw them away!!   What a powerful feeling when you gain that kind of control over food - throwing something away that was once so incredibly desirable I couldn't WAIT to eat it! I find that with every single thing I eat I only want a small portion of it, then I'm done.  This must be what it feels like for normal people when eating?  I mean, I didn't have strong desires for the cookies and I didn't even want to binge on them.  I just had a few and that was all I needed. 

I truly, truly hope this, almost mindful, way of eating sticks with me post pregnancy.

Some other non-food related wins to being pregnant is what many people refer to as "nesting".  I think that word sounds so idiotic.  It's supposed to refer to the feelings you and your partner get when preparing for the baby - having a desire to clean and organize and just ready your home for the new arrival.  When I think of "nesting", I think of the bird's nest that these little barn swallows would build every year on my parents patio - and it would cause a huge mess of both poop and nest debris!  So how is that even related?  Either way, I've been taking full advantage of these feelings to clean and organize our entire condo.  And by clean, I don't mean simply vacuuming and dusting.  I mean tearing every single inch of our belongings upside down and cleaning/reorganzing them!  Goodwill has seen many-a-donation from us these days!  We live in a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo that we rent.  Since the baby is due June 22, and our lease is up June 15, we're just going to renew for another year to alleviate the added stress of moving pre-delivery.  But, we've quickly learned how tight it's going to be to now have a third person with a third person's belongings in this space.  It has forced us to get very creative with our organizational skills.

Another pregnancy win has been my desire to get creative and crafty.  Since I've taken a temporary hiatus from nursing school, the amount of time I have available to me is glorious!  I've always wanted to learn how to knit, and so I decided I wanted to make a baby blanket for the little one.  With the help of my very special friend and neighbor, she kindly offered to teach me, and I've been well on my way to creating several squares for the blanket.  Now, right now I've only learned the knit stitch - not purling - so I'm just doing a very basic and simple blanket for now.  As time goes on I'd love to expand on this new craft and learn how to read a pattern, as well as purl, but I wanted to set the bar very low for this initial project :). 

What were some positive experiences you had while pregnant?  Also, do you have any must-have recommendations for a baby registry?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo The Positive Side to Pregnancy Updated at : 6:34 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

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