
SchoolNet started incorporating weekly webinars into its programme 2012 and now its time for the 2013 season to begin. We are making a start with a series of interesting Microsoft webinars. Unfortunately we cannot give the actual webinar URLs yet as we are waiting to be sent our Lync license so that we can use for these webinars. Consequently we won’t paste the dates in yet either suffice to say they will most likely take place on a Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 6:30pm starting in March.  Take a look at the topics and as soon as everything is finalised we will post the actual progamme with all the essential information on our webinars blog http://schoolnetsa-webinars.blogspot.com/. Other SchoolNet webinars will take place on a Tuesday evening from 6:00-6:30 and these will link to the free online courses that are being offered. 

Partners in Learning Network 1
Microsoft’s Partners in Learning network is a great resource for every teacher. This webinar will show how to navigate the Partners in Learning Network – getting connected and finding material that will work for you

Partners in Learning Network 2
This webinar concentrates on how to contribute to the Partners in Learning Network – tagging resources, setting up a discussion forum, joining communities etc.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks 1
PowerPoint has an amazing array of uses. This webinar will introduce some of the uses you may or may not know about.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks 2
This webinar shows you some of the uses of PowerPoint that you probably didn’t know about.

Educational Gaming 1
This webinar introduces you to gaming as a tool to engage and motivate learners

Educational Gaming 2
Gaming for beginners – Mouse Mischief, Kodu, Interactive pictures

Educational Gaming 3
In this webinar you will hear about amazing gaming projects created by teachers.

Keep watching our webinars blog for more specific details about these webinars every Wednesday evening from 6pm – 6:30pm
You have just read the article News for today's that category webinars by title SchoolNet’s 2013 free webinar season is about to begin in March. You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2013/02/schoolnets-2013-free-webinar-season-is.html. Thank you!
Posted by: Tukiyooo SchoolNet’s 2013 free webinar season is about to begin in March Updated at : 10:19 PM
Monday, February 18, 2013

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