By the time I could get rescheduled with my doctor, I was desperate for relief.  I tried absolutely every morning sickness aid that was suggested to me, and the list was long:

1. Sea bands (2 different brands!)
2. Preggie pops
3. Saltines
4. Ginger ale
5. Eating before getting out of bed
6. Eating before getting out of bed while keeping my head on the pillow and my eyes closed.
7. Exercise - which actually helped.  However, it was hard to motivate myself to get up and move when I felt like death.
8. Small, constant meals
9. Ginger candies
10. Ginger root
11. Hard candies (Jolly Ranchers, etc)
12. Peppermint candies
13. Toast
14. Chicken broth

Honestly - none of those worked for me, with the exception of the exercise.  As soon as the exercise was over though, I was sick all over again.  When I was finally able to see my doctor, she gave me a prenatal that had vitamin B-12, which is said to ward off nausea.  It seemed to help at first, but maybe that was just a false positive, because eventually it didn't make any difference.  My doctor tried to prescribe some medicine to me, but my insurance wouldn't cover it.  She said my next best bet was to try Benadryl.  Benadryl is the only thing that gave me any kind of relief!  The relief was almost instant too and it was glorious when I could finally lay on the couch without a perpetual stomachache.  Still, I'm not a fan of pumping myself full of medicine, so I tried to take it sparingly even though my doctor assured me it was safe.

I had my first ultrasound a few short weeks later to determine the due date of the baby.  Even though I was certain on the date of conception, I couldn't remember exactly the date of my last period and that was info they insisted on knowing.  By mid-November we knew we were due to have a baby by June 22, 2013!

Baby @ 9 weeks
Seeing the little kidney bean on the screen was miraculous.  Everyone I know describes it that same way, but I guess I was still in such denial of being pregnant that when I first saw the little blob on the screen, with it's beating heart, I couldn't believe that was inside of me!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Pregnancy: In the Beginning - Part 2 Updated at : 6:18 AM
Friday, February 15, 2013

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