The Internet is getting so full of information these days that it is not surprising to see how many curating tools are emerging for teachers to use. Scoop.it is definitely one of my favourite curating tools. (Unfortunately with Scoop.it you are only allowed five free Scoop.its.) But how do you display a Scoop,it in an attractive manner on a blog or webiste? Today when I was surfing the web I noticed that some bloggers had lovely Scoop.it widgets embedded at the side of their blog which gave a slideshow on the various posts curated. This really appealed to me so I set about discovering how to do this. Unfortunately the side column of our SchoolNet blog is too narrow for showing this widget successfully so I created a page instead.

In this post I thought I would tell you how I created these widgets and then show the finished product. .

How to create the widget

Step 1:
Log in to your Scoop.it and click on Manage and then on Export


Step 2:
You will be taken to the Export page which hosts the widget for a blog or website. On this page you will make some decisions about your widget and fil in your requirements. Right at the bottom, under the displayed widget slideshow, is a place to ‘Finish and grab the code’.


Step 3: 
Click on ‘Finish and grab the code’ and copy the HTML. Place the HTML on the appropriate page of your website or blog. 


Our five Scoop.it widgets

Here are our five presented as embedded widgets

To see these widgets on the actual page where I display them on the blog go to http://e-blogschool.blogspot.com/p/scoopits.html
You have just read the article News for today's that category Scoop.it. tutorial by title Display your curated Scoop.its as attractive widgets on your blog or website. You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2013/02/display-your-curated-scoopits-as.html. Thank you!
Saturday, February 16, 2013

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