Cheers Chuckleheads and Happy Friday to you all.

The past couple of days both on the IWS website and Wednesday’s IWS Radio show, Jayman and I covered the topic of Human Trafficking.  It is an important topic to cover, to expose, and we are glad that we did, but, well?

It’s not the most joy inducing topic to cover, so today?  I’m going to write about something that is just plain syrupy sweet, and smile bearing.

Many of you know that my BFF/OSP got very sick in late October, had major surgery in mid-December which was quite successful by the way, but we had an incredibly difficult time getting unemployment for her due her to her dickhead of a boss and thus she had and has, yet to receive any type of paycheck or unemployment compensation since November 9th.

Prior to her illness, Schmoop and I had it going on financially.  We had just paid off the car, and while not rich or even well off, we were, “we can occasionally order a pizza on a weekday without the worry if we have the money” comfortable.

And then…

Like many Americans, our financial comfort zone, which relies on two people working to make ends meet and occasionally having the aforementioned pizza, took a nosedive due to an illness.

With this knowledge in hand, my dear friend and radio partner Jayman, along with the wonderful, yet never get drunk with her on your couch, Dana, set up the WeLoveSchmoop fund on PayPal, in hopes of getting Schmoop and I through the time until she would get some type of compensation.

Well, you lovable incorrigibles, it worked!!

Schmoop is going back to work for 25 hours a week for awhile starting Monday.  Yes, we could fight the appeal to her unemployment leveled by her inconsiderate, and selfish boss, and win, but that could take another six weeks, and we can’t afford that, but…

Thanks to Jayman and Dana starting the WeLoveSchmoop fund, we can somewhat relax, thank them, and thank all of you for your generous response to it.

Because of your kindness, we made our December rent, our bills, and we should squeak by this month as well. And for that, and to all of you, we are eternally grateful.

In addition to Jay and Dana who began the fund, I want to thank those of you who contributed, but in order to avoid awkwardness, I will thank you by first name only.

Jamie, Katherine, Mike, Dana, Jon, Jay, Katherine, Russel, Sherri, Angie, Rene, LMT, Linda, Kelley, (a different) Katherine, and Sarah.

We would not have made it if it weren't for the generosity of you fine folks, so may your God bless you, and thank you.

In addition to all of you, Schmoop’s brother David and my brothers were incalculably helpful and thoughtful throughout this situation. So to them, as I would say to any good Irish Catholic man…L’chaim, and Praise Blitzkrieg Benny!!

I also want to thank all of the neighborhood Beer Mine patrons for bringing me food (yes, even the deer meat, D-Law), and affording me rides home from work as David drove Schmoop to C-Bus and stayed in Columbus with Schmoop the entire time, leaving me transportationless.

I thank all of my friends on Facebook for the kind words and especially the words from Stephen and Emily, who knowing me from nowhere else other than Facebook, offered to let me stay with them while Schmoop was in the hospital and the hospital was close to their home.  That…is…kindness.

Lastly, I would like to thank a former IWS guest and one of IWS’ best friends, Missalicious.

Throughout this entire ordeal, especially during the days prior to the surgery when no one knew if it was cancerous or not; be it on Facebook or over the phone, Miss would talk to me everyday, and she made sure we had Thanksgiving dinner.

So to all of you wonderful people, Schmoop and I say thanks, and you better make damn sure, that if you ever need help in a situation like this, let us know, because we will pay it forward.

Cheers and Thank You,

Matt-Man (and Schmoop...by Proxy)

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

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