Yes, it is time to change the world. It isn't going to happen by keeping people apart but by connecting. You CAN use social media and technology tools to improve the world. If you look at the Flat Classroom student presentations (shown below) you can join in and see all of the students who are presenting about what they've learned.

 It is incredible. This is far bigger than just 2 teachers on other sides of the world - it became 7 teachers, then 20, and now almost 200 teachers. As I watch elementary students presenting live about what they've learned, I'm amazed. I hope you can join us. Meanwhile, let me leave you with Gracy's video from this Flat Classroom project - they are in the midst of the competition for best video and I'll share more of them - but this one gave me and my class chills. (By the way, project applications are open for next semester.)

I read about a survey given to 90 year olds, one of the things they said they wish they had done more in their lives is to participate in something that would outlive them -- I'm becoming more certain every day as I see the incredible teachers who are getting and understanding what Flat Classroom really means -- that this will far outlive me and Julie Lindsay. If you're one of those teachers who is connecting your classroom on a global basis - here's to you. You're my hero. If you're a student who is getting in there and connecting - you'r heroes too.

Gracy says it best in her video.

Find more videos like this on Flat Classroom Project

If you want to see presentations, information is below (note that practice summits are PRACTICE and not for public viewing.)

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

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