Matt whispers sweet nothings.  Jay whispers sweet nothings.  Even though creeped out, you listen.

Matt:  Hiya Chuckles!!
Jay:  Hi.  How’s Schmoop?
Matt:  Ummmm, she’s fine; would you like to know how I am?
Jay:  Ha, of course!!  I was kidding; you know I love you.
Matt:  Uh-huh…I’m fine.
Jay:  Great!!  But seriously…how’s Schmoop?
Matt:  Just duckie.
Jay:  Good.  That makes me happy.
Matt:  Whatever.

Jay:  Hey…Are you going to watch the VP debate tonight?
Matt:  I’m not sure.  I’m still debating whether I should or not.  Ha!!  See what I did there!?
Jay:  Oh-Hooooooo. That was clever.  You keep making zingers like that and we’ll always be Number One.
Matt:  Ha!!  I know righ-
Jay:  Or something.
Matt:  I’m the Henny Youngman of show prep phone calls.
Jay:  That you are, and speaking of long dead comedians…do you have any ideas for Sunday’s show?

Matt:  Well, I actually do.
Jay:  Really?
Matt:  I thought that since your sister has come to visit this week, we could talk about our families.
Jay:  That’s a great idea!!
Matt:  Really!?
Jay:  No, I hate it.  Oooooooo.
Matt:  What?

Jay:  I just saw a commercial with Ben Affleck in it.  He’s a good looking guy.
Matt:  Excuse me, what about Ben Affleck?
Jay:  He’s a good looking guy.  What?  I am man enough to admit that a guy can be handsome.
Matt:  Oh he’s a good looking guy alright, it was just the lustful tone in your voice when you said it.
Jay:  Hey.  I am very secure in my masculinity and my heterosexuality, very. What about you, fancy boy?

Matt:  I am, and in fact, in order to prove it, I have an idea for this Sunday’s show.
Jay:  I do too, and I think we are thinking the same thing here, Matt-Man.
Matt:  We always talk about the babes that we think are hot.
Jay:  IKR?  And that leaves out half the world’s population who may also be hot!!
Matt:  And that half would be?
Jay:  Hot guys!!  Come to IWS Radio and get your hot guys!!
Matt:  So that can only lead us to one topic for this Sunday, right?
Jay:  Right!!

Matt and Jay:  The IWS Man Crush Show!!

Matt:  We’ll talk about the men whom we love and desire in a man hug sort of way.
Jay:  Exactly.  The hot guys who turn women’s heads and yet, we want to party with and get to know better.
Matt:  This could be huge.
Jay:  Not could be, it will be!!
Matt:  My nether regions are tingling just thinking about it.
Jay:  Mine as well, but I think it’s more due to the not so crispy catfish I had for lunch.

Matt:  Either way, we will be tingling and singing the praises of hot guys this Sunday at Noon ET.
Jay:  True Dat...another Number One IWS show in the making.
Matt:  Alrighty then, our work here is done.
Jay:  Another great show prep session, and tell Schmoop that I asked about her.
Matt:  See you on IWS Radio this Sunday and you can tell her yourself.
Jay:  Will do.
Matt and Jay:  (click)

You can catch all the IWS Man Crush show action live Sunday at Noon ET by clicking HERE.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Matt Said, Jay Said MCMLXVII Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, October 12, 2012

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