Growing up in western Pennsylvania, summertime was my favorite season hands down.  Not only was school out, but I got to spend as much time as I wanted in my parents' pool, lazily floating around on the lounge chair deep into the pages of a book.

Summer in PA meant mildly warm days, and refreshing nights (mostly!).  But perhaps most importantly, summer meant the bitter cold temperatures were over, and there was no more drudging up and down the steep driveway of Wayne & Cindy's because, despite having SUVs and trucks with 4 wheel drive, Cindy was simply too afraid to travel up the driveway when it was covered in snow!

As a college student, summer meant working at my job at the drugstore (which I loved), or eventually, living my last 2 summers at Penn State - enjoying micro-brews at my favorite restaurant.  In hindsight..... those were the days!


Once I moved to Virginia, summertime became my worst enemy.  Summertime in our nation's capital goes something like this:
  • boggy, hot, humid temperatures - where by the time I arrive to work for 6:30 AM, I already need to another shower.   
  • tourists jammed packed into Metro trains (which, without fail, causes delays) 
  • air conditioning units on trains simply shutting down, resulting in Ovens-on-Rails.  
  • major traffic delays due to "sun glare" in both the a.m. and p.m. commutes.  

By the time September roles around in these parts, I am about to reach my peak of the year.  Friends, these next 4 months are my absolute favorite!  Fall means pumpkin carving with my niece and nephew, watching the leaves change into vibrant shades of red and orange, and partaking in a few fall winery tours.  I. love. it!

But you know what else comes with fall?  Starbucks. Pumpkin. Spice. Lattes.  *HUGE sigh*

I LOVE these drinks!  What I don't love, however, is the 7 PointsPlus value for a freaken grande!  That's nuts!  As much as I adore this taste of fall in a cup, this year, I am putting my foot down and simply not indulging like I have in years past.  While all the health experts preach non stop about how you shouldn't drink your calories, I still need a nice brew in the morning.  But not one for 7 PointsPlus! 

Kelly has shared her concoction for the other fall hit - the salted caramel latte: tall, nonfat, 2 pumps toffee nut and 1 pump skinny mocha.  I have yet to give this drink a try because I have yet to figure out a good estimate for the PointsPlus value.  However, thanks to the NTTC queen herself, I was able to finally uncover the nutrition facts for their syrups. (I couldn't find this particular info anywhere on their website.  Can you?)  I picked up this brochure today at the store:

This drink is on my "to try" list!  Once I figure out the PointsPlus.. I will share with you to see if you got the same estimate.

What gets you excited about fall?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo I Luv Fall Updated at : 6:29 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

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