From Thursday through Sunday of this past week, I attended my first ever blogging conference in Baltimore, MD.  The name of the conference is FitBloggin' and it brings people together who care about being healthy.  I learned a lot about the business of blogging, social media strategies and other morsels of the blogging lifestyle.

I also met a ton of amazing bloggers - those who I have followed for years and those who are brand new to me.  The whole thing was rather surreal.  Never in a million years did I think I would ever meet some of the bloggers I read daily, including Bitch Cakes, Roni, and Gina.   On top of meeting some of my long time favorites, I also got to meet one of my new favorites, Kelly @ No Thanks to Cake.  Still, there are so many others I cannot wait to add to my reader who seem to have such amazing stories that I know I can truly benefit from.

Bitch Cakes

Gina from Skinny Taste


One thing that became very apparent to me during this conference is that I need to bring The Big Weight back to what it's initial intent was: documenting my journey purely for my own benefit.  While FitBloggin had so many informative sessions on the entire business surrounding a blog, I quickly realized that my intention for TBW (at this time, at least), is not to make a business out of her.  I'm not writing for statistical purposes, i.e. gaining an insane number of webpage hits or being a Twitter/Facebook superstar.  I started TBW so that I could document my weight loss journey to provide a way to reflect on what worked and what didn't.

I think that sometimes I've gotten caught up in wanting to write what "my readers" want to read and forgetting about the true purpose of TBW.  I don't ever want what I write to lack authenticity.   It's not about how many people are reading each post/tweet.  It's about me finally losing The Big Weight and being able to have a way to reflect on this journey.

In the meantime, if I am able to inspire someone along the way - fabulous! - but my goal is to stay true to myself and true to the goal of TBW: lose the weight while learning more about myself each day!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo FitBloggin Reflections Updated at : 8:05 PM
Monday, September 24, 2012

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