The rise of radical Islam in BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA is going unchallenged by the authorities, the country’s Archbishop of Sarajevo Cardinal Vinko Puljic warned, highlighting the growth of extremism in the country during a visit to the international headquarters of Aid to the Church in Need.
The cardinal claimed that the growing process of ISLAMISATION in BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA is being funded by radicals in the MIDDLE EAST. Muslim centres, mosques and Medressas (Islamic schools) have been built around the country with petrodollars from SAUDI ARABIA as well as TURKEY and to some extend IRAN. 

The cardinal further stressed the spread of Wahhabism, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabi, which is the official religion of SAUDI ARABIA. The Archbishop of Sarajevo claimed that there are already 3-5,000 Wahhabis in BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA and the group is seeking to gain influence in society. 

Catholic,Orthodox Churches and Mosque
According to the Cardinal, nobody in the government has the courage to do anything to prevent this development. Unconfirmed church sources claim that more than 100,000 young BOSNIAN Muslims have encountered Wahhabi Islam through organizations such as Active Islamic Youth, Furqan, Muslim Youth Council, student organizations such as Demus and social networks. Cardinal Puljic added: “In recent years, at least 70 new mosques have been built in Sarajevo alone.”


Reports state that SAUDI ARABIAN money funded the reconstruction of Sarajevo’s Husrev Begova Mosque which included the removal of internal mosaics in accordance with Wahhabi aesthetics.  Another new mosque, the King Fahd Mosque, which is the country’s largest Islamic place of worship, was described by one report as a magnet for Muslim fundamentalists.

While mosques are being built or repaired, Cardinal Puljic pointed out that building approval for churches can be delayed for years – adding that Church property confiscated under communism has still not been returned. According to the Cardinal the government seems to have no interest in giving Catholic Church property back to its rightful owners, where on the other hand most of Muslim property has been returned.
The Archbishop of Sarajevo claims that Catholics are systematically disadvantaged. He demands equal treatment for Catholics in employment, education and other spheres of life.

Despite these problems, the CROAT Catholic Church is seeking greater cooperation between different ethnic and religious groups. The Croat Catholic Church, who represents a minority, is determined to showcase a constructive force that wishes to make a contribution to the success of society.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo BOSNIA 2012 Updated at : 8:27 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2012

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