Neo-British Empire of the Crown -- 500 Year Chronology
By James Daugherty


The World Reign of the Crown - 1815-1946

1815 Final Britain-led and Bank of England financed victory over Napoleoncreates new era called the "Concert of Europe" with Britain as the covert "Conductor".
1822 Treaty of Verona. "High Contracting Parties" of the Holy Alliance. Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Pope Pius VIIth of the Papal States of Italy (and now including France upon which the Holy Alliance had imposed a Bourbon Monarch by force) meet to ratify article Six of the Congress of Vienna that ended the Napoleonic Wars, Agreed to suppress popular government, Freedom of the Press, individual rights, etc. and to restore Monarchy wherever possible. Jesuits, recently reinstituted, to become covert agents in the plot. 

1822 Greeks throw-off rule of the Turk with support of British, French, and Russians. 

1823 British recognize independence of South American Republics heavy blow to the Holy Alliance. 

King William IV (1830-1837) starts reign with Second French Revolutionwhich puts the British-linked Duke of Orleans on the throne. 

183l Struggle for reforms in England.
Queen Victoria (1837-l90l). of Hanover, assumes the British Throne.

1839 First War with China. British enforce their right to push opium from India in China.
Invasion of Afghanistan by British removes Russian-allied regime.

1842 Afghans revolt and remove British regime, British re-take Kabul.
I845 British defeat Punjab (Sihk) up-rising in India.

1846 Corn laws repealed. Moneyed Aristocracy of "The City" victorious at the expense of the "landed" Nobility. Rothschild agent Disraeli pretends to support landed gentry in "Young England" movement. Assumes leadership of Tories in great betrayal. 

1848 Third French Revolution overturns Orleanist Monarch.Republic declared. Holy Alliance Thrones of Europe totter under assault revolutionary movements.
Chartist up-risings in England fail.

1849 Second revolt in Punjab defeated by British,

1850's Disraeli raises the "Secret Society Spectre".Mysterious ancient, secret societies are blamed for the British (Masonic) destabilization program against Holy Alliance in subtle disinformation campaign. Disraeli pushes "British Israel/Identity" concept with support of Queen Victoria. Postulates Jewish/British Alliance as representing the Biblical Israel. 

1851 Louis Napoleon overthrows the Republic and declares self Emperor
Prime Minister Palmerston dismissed for overt support of Napoleon.
France back in the Holy Alliance.

1852 Crimean War. England, France, and Turkey block Russian advance toward warm water port.
Sardenia, under the leadership of the House of Savoy's Victor Emanuel joins the fight against Russia and is rewarded by being made King of Italy with the help of the British.

1856 Second War With China. French and British open up additional trading privileges in China by force.

1858 Indian Mutiny suppressed. East India Company relieved of its governing role in India. Victoria made Sovereign of India.

1859 Fear of French Invasion leads to formation of large bodies of volunteers.

1861 American Civil War. British and Holy Alliance instigated sectional, tariff, and slavery conflict cause war. 500,000 put out of work in British cotton mills. Holy Alliance installs Maximillian in Mexico with French troops.
Britain officially neutral. Rothschilds leads Holy Alliance to believe Britain supports the South. Britain allows the defeat of Holy Alliance supported South and Maximillian.

1864 Bismark's "Blood and Iron" program launched to unify Germany under Prussian auspices and financed by Rothschild connected Bliechschroeders. 

1870 Bismark defeats Napoleon III in Franco-Prussian War. Britain does not intervene.
France loses remnant of independent power, becomes abject "little partner" of Britain.
British puppet Victor Emanuel seizes Papal States, making the Pope a virtual prisoner in the Vatican. Holy Alliance in shambles.

1871 Russia breaks previous agreements limiting Black Sea Fleet.

1873 Silver demonetized in America. British Gold Standard sweeps world.

1877 Russo-Turkish War. Turkey viciously crushes a Christian revolt in the Balkans. Russians invade Turkey. Britain's fleet checks Russian drive for a warm water port.

1878 Treaty of Berlin limits Russian gains at British insistence,British take Cyprus to prevent further Russian advance. British invade Afghanistan to again prevent Russian advance toward India.

1879 Zulus defeated in South Africa.
British and French take Egypt on collapse of Turkey's power.

1885 Egyptian revolt of the "Mahdi" finally crushed by Lord Kitchener.

1849-1883 Karl Marx uses London as the staging point for promoting violent, utopian communist revolution. In England Marx has little effect. Instead, the Bismark copying Fabian Socialists are successful in seeding the ground for the modern welfare/warfare state.

1884 Fabian Society formed.

1896 Jameson Raid in South Africa. Cecil Rhodes attempts to foment a British up-rising against the Boers in South Africa. Germany threatens to support the Boers.

1890's Britain begins to fear growing power of collectivist-militarist Germany and her demands on world trade and Empire.
South African gold and diamond magnate, Cecuk Rhodes, forms "Round Table" conspiracy to renew idealistic support for "British Imperialism".
Americans embark on Imperialism guided by Britain. McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt take Cuba and Philipines from Catholic Spain. 

1899 British defeat Boers in Boer War. Boers armed by Germany.
Milner's Kindergarten reconstructs South Africa with diamond/gold monopoly securely in British control Diplomacy yields Boer support for Britain in future conflicts with Germany.

King Edward VII (1901-1910)
1902 Britain allies with Japan for protection of Far East Empire and to limit Russia's Far East expansion.

1904 Japanese defeat Russians in Far East. Concurrently, British connected Anarchist/Nihilist movement destabilizes Czarist regime in Russia. 

1910-1913 Germany fails to accede to the British demand that she limit her Navy.
King George V (1910-1936)

1913 Col. House with Fabian and "Round Table" connectionsguides Wilson Administration in preparing America for war in support of Britain: Federal Reserve and Income Tax enacted into law. 

1914 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand starts World War I.France, Russia, Italy, America, and Japan line-up under British guidance to check German/Austrian/Turkish domination of Europe.

1917 Balfour Declaration on Jewish Homeland gains Jewish supportfor war efforts and sows the seeds for Middle East "balance of power" card. 

1917 Bolshevik Revolution takes Russia out of the war. Germans had transported Lenin in Russia in a sealed train. Anglo-Americans fall all over themselves to get their agent Trotsky into the act.
Anglophile Wilson/House cabal manipulate United States entry to WWI. 

1918 Germans defeated. In spite of deafening British propaganda campaign, America refuses to join the League of Nations. Federal Reserve joins Bank for International Settlements anyway, using private bankers as representatives.
British refer to the League of Nations in religious tones as the "Covenant" taking advantage of centuries of "British Israel" propaganda .
Arabs liberated from the remainder of the Turkish Empire. Britain's Lawrence of Arabia wins support of Arabs in spite of the hated Balfour Declaration. 

1922 Turkey defeats advance of Greeks. Modern Turkey, minus Empire and Sultan, is formed under Kemal.

1924 British attempt to return to the gold standard at the pre-war rate.Press Federal Reserve to support the pound by inflating the dollar. Leads to l920's stock market boom and l929 crash followed by world depression.
The Italians, betrayed by British at WWI "Peace Conference" turn to Musolini who restores the status of the Vatican.
The Vatican sees the world depression as its chance to smash the hated British monopoly capitalism and its usurous "Jewish Financiers."The Catholic Church embarks upon a project of rebuilding the "continental" powers under the banner of fascism, what it sees as a modernised format for feudalism. The Catholic Church cautiously revives anti-Semitism.
Father Coughlin is assigned the fascist campaign in America building on Church support for the UAW in Michigan. Promotes alliance with Italy and Germany to break the back of Britain's Jewish Financiers. Coughlin fails and is denied by his Church superiors. British retain control of America through Anglophile Franklin Roosevelt.
The British Israel World Federation now claims today's Jews are not part of Biblical "Israel", being "Khazars", rather than real Israelites. Now British Israel provides anti-Semitic competition to the Catholic fascist campaign.
British use these and similar tactics to attempt to seize control of "continental" fascist movements. They succeed with Hitler.

l933 Hitler comes to power in Germany. Catholic Center Party gives way in spite of pro-British views expressed in Mein Kampf. Hitler, springing from British connected, pagan Secret Societies, seeks to divide the world with Britain. 

l938 Britain's "Round Tablers" and "Cliveden Set"orchestrate initial appeasement of Hitler, encouraging his lunge Eastward.
Ex-British ally, Japan, runs amok in the Far East.

l94O Hitler-Stalin Pact. Partition of Poland. Cliveden Set strategy temporarily thwarted.
Hitler invades west scaring Britain to death. However, he still hopes for a settlement with Britain and spares Britain's army at Dunkirk.
Cliveden tool, Winston Churchill, put in power.

l94l Hitler influenced to attack Russia.....doomed Hitler to defeat. US enters European war after "inviting" Pearl Harbor attack. US finishes-off Britain's Frankenstien monster of the Pacific, Japan, with the A-Bomb.
United Nations formed to put a happy face on the Neo-British Empire conquest of the world.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo THE CROWN Part 5 Updated at : 8:14 PM
Friday, April 6, 2012

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