By James Daugherty

I. Power Organisms.
To bridge the gap between "conspiracy" and "history", that is, correspond to the charge that it is ludicrous to claim that "history is a conspiracy", we postulate the concept of "power organisms", which once programmed by their founders, take-on a "life of their own". A wide variety of power organisms, sub-organisms, and supra-organisms exist.

II. The British Empire.
The British Empire (NBE or Neo-British Empire since World War II) constitutes a world supra-organism which includes many organisms and sub-organisms that are manipulated on multiple political, spiritual/psychological, military, economic, and scientific levels.
Its primary, relatively directly controlled organs are:

A. Financial.
The "World Money Cartel" or "Empire of the City (of London)" operated for the "Crown" by the "legendary" Merchant Bankers of the Bank of England, including the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Barings, Brown-Shipley, Schroeders, Morgan-Grenfels, Lazard Freres, etc. with outposts in New York, Paris, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Switzerland, etc., provide the financial muscle required to achieve the "balance of power" in all important arenas.

B. Secret Societies.
Masonry and its myriad of Illuminist, Jewish Cabalist, and Sufi offshoots form a coherent (at the top) world-wide propaganda, intelligence, promotion control, and covert action capability at the command of the Neo-British Empire. Covert action ranges from violent "destabilizations" of runaway governments and Institutions (world revolution) to subtle "planting" of "useful" ideas and movements such as communism, ecology, drug revolution, New Age Movement, Bible Prophesy, British Israel/Identity, etc. 

III. The Crown's International Bankers.
The "Crown", or "High Cabal" in Winston Churchill's phrase, is the British Royal Family and its allied and inter-married European Royal/Noble Dynasties such as Hesse, von Thurn und Taxis, Orange, Mountbatten, Cecil, etc. ultimately at the helm of the currently dominant, parasitical world supra-organism or "ruling class/conspiracy." The extent to which the Crown" can actually change long-standing directions of the NBE without risking being ground beneath its wheels can, for now, only be surmised.
It must be assumed that a good part of the "Crown's" attention must be directed simply to maintaining its position by "balancing" the NBE component organisms (nations, religions, cults, corporations, etc.) against one another. The world under the "Crown's" domination seems to lurch from one crisis to the next. On the other hand, there is evidence that crisis management is scientifically used to move the world in preconceived directions, at least on occasion. The extent to which the apex of the NBE has a "tiger by the tail" or a "tiger on a leash" remains a prime research topic for the Project.
We hypothesize that the "Crown's" power rests ultimately on personal prestige and enormous hoards of cash, probably secreted in Switzerland and other banking havens and not even hinted at publically. Such a "Royal Depositors League"would have the leverage required to use the worlds Merchant Bankers in multifarious strategies, with or without the explicit knowledge of the Bankers themselves. 

IV. Dialectical Method.
The NBE's Crown does not operate in a linear, command and obey fashion outside its direct financial and secret society organs, although it should be noted that these "organs" penetrate all major private and public bureaucracies. Long known by its "continental" enemies as Perfidious Albion, the NBE "High Cabal", from its historically insular island bastion, has used "balance of power" and "divide and conquer" strategies to achieve and maintain its domination of world power organisms beyond its direct control. In all fields of human concern, the "Crown" conceives and sets near equal forces in opposition to each other, thesis vs. antithesis, retaining the "balance of power", required for "policy making" or "synthesis", ie. control.
To a major extent, the "Crown's" power, contrary to many conspiracy theorists, is based on prolonging the thesis vs. antithesis, or stalemate stage of the "natural", Hegelian conflict process in human affairs. Thus, the "Crown's" nearly "automatic" day-to-day manipulation consists of keeping forces "balanced", often under the rationalization of "fairness". Destructive "destabilization" of ascendant organisms through subversion. both left and right, is usually less expensive than supporting organisms perceived to be weakening. Guiding the creation of a major new synthesis by carefully "tipping the balance" in the conflict between thesis and antithesis. on the other hand, is a major "undertaking" for the NBE. Post-war "decolonization", now rapidly nearing completion in South Africa, is perhaps the best example. 

V. Prestige Associations.
The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, and a multitude of lesser Establishment associations perform the function of arranging an acceptable range of public opinion by propagandizing the "higher circles" and "leading lights" of each important field of human activity with spurious "issues" and false dichotomies which fuel the dialectical process and "conflict management" scenarios. Prestige associations are the most fertile field for the work of direct secret society and financial agents of the "Crown". To be continued
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Posted by: Tukiyooo THE CROWN - Part 1 Updated at : 7:01 AM
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

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