"Manage Your Thoughts" is another one of Weight Watcher's Helpful Habits.  It's all about positive self-talk.

I've read about the benefits of positive self-talk, especially in Joel Osteen's books.  At times, the thought of being my own mental cheerleader sounds a little cheesy.  However, there have been times in my life where I have told myself "You can do this Hilary!" and I know that those positive thoughts have helped get me through those situations immensely.  I also believe that, with time, the positive self-talk just becomes natural.

This is something I need to work on, however.  I still have more days than not where I can't help but wonder if I'll ever reach my goal.  Will I ever be able to control my food temptations/cravings?  Will I ever be able to have a week where I am perfectly "on plan" the entire week?  Do I truly have what it takes to reach my goal both mentally and physically?

WW's recommends three strategies:

1. Befriend yourself.
The idea is this - would you really tell your friend who is trying to lose weight: "You're never going to succeed.  You'll never be able to control your food cravings.  You'll never have a perfect 'on plan' week.  You don't have what it takes to lose weight and maintain it."  Most likely not.  So, if you're not telling your friend those things, you shouldn't be telling yourself those things either.

2. Use WW's Tools for Living "Positive Self-Talk".
Under Column A, you put down your negative thoughts.  Under Column B, you put down the opposite (positive) thought.

Column A - 
Negative Thoughts
Column B - 
Positive Thoughts
I will never reach my goal.It will take time and a firm commitment, but I can do it!
I will never have a perfect "on plan" week.No one is perfect. Each week I can still strive for perfection, but the plans flexibility (i.e. WPs) allow for these slip ups.
I don't have what it takes to lose weight.You have a plan in place (i.e. WW) that is helping you on this journey. You DO have what it takes to lose weight!
I cannot resist food temptation.Go ahead and have it, just track it!

3. Surround yourself with kindness.
Spend time with those who are nice to you and encourage you, especially in regard to your weight loss journey.  "You need and deserve the same kindness you offer others."

Do you abide by positive self-talk?  How does it work for you if you do?  What are some of your mental strategies for successful weight loss?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Helpful Habits: Manage Your Thoughts Updated at : 8:29 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2012

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