My appetite has started to come back now, and the eating choices haven't been great over the last several days. 

Now that I'm pretty much back to having an actual desire to eat something, I must start cooking again and prepping my meals for the week.  I went on a small hiatus from the New Year's Resolution I made of not eating out through the week.  I had no desire to cook whatsoever, and therefore almost every meal consumed over the last 2 weeks has been of the restaurant variety, and usually not the healthiest of choices.  Did this really affect me?  Well obviously not, given that I weighed in just days ago at 227.1.  Still, that lifestyle simply is not sustainable for me – eventually I will go overboard and gain – neither of which I want to see happen.   It’s time to get my rear back in gear and on to making some better choices. 

I have a lot of food in my pantry and freezer, and so my goal over the next few weeks is to use up what I’ve got with very minimal trips to the grocery store.  If I have to go to the grocery store, I’m going to challenge myself to spend no more than $25 per week. 

I love cooking and I tend to go overboard when I head to the store.  I almost always buy stuff that isn’t on my grocery list and this is how I end up with an extremely full pantry.   

For the remainder of the week, here are a few things I plan to whip up to start dwindling down my stockpile:
  1. Green beans with bacon.  I’ve got many cans of green beans and two packages of frozen turkey bacon that needs used up.  I think I’ll take the Neely’s recipe and modify it to be a little more WW friendly.  Should be easy peezy! 
  2. Spinach Cheese Tortellini.  I’m thinking about doing a variation of this, but cutting back on the butter somehow.  I have some packages of frozen tortellini and this recipe has received great reviews!
  3. Kielbasa Baked Ziti. This is directly from WW... at 11 PointsPlus.  Rather high but we'll see what happens. 
  4. SkinnyTaste Easiest Pasta and Broccoli.  I have tons of pasta waiting to be eaten.  Pasta is hard to consume when trying to limit your caloric intake, but everything in moderation, right? 
Are you like me when it comes to grocery shopping?
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    Posted by: Tukiyooo Clearing Out the Pantry Updated at : 4:28 AM
    Thursday, March 1, 2012

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