For those who don't know, I live in the DC area, and this time of year is very special around these parts.  Right around the end of March/beginning of April, the beautiful cherry trees start blooming, sticking around for just two weeks.

As if DC wasn't already crowded enough, those two weeks in early spring cause a HUGE migration of tourists/residents to the Tidal Basin area to bask in the glory of those pretty-in-pink petals.

One of my favorite things about the cherry blossoms is that when the wind blows, the petals come cascading off of the trees like pink snow, creating this blanket of pink all over the ground/sidewalks.

By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if you had never heard of this DC-area phenomenon.  I never heard of it until I moved here.  Still, if you ever have an opportunity to visit, try your hardest to come during this two week span - they are definitely worth seeing!

Back when Joel and I first started dating, I told him that I wanted to go on a paddle boat date on the Tidal Basin {by the way - this is the body of water by the Jefferson Memorial - shown below}.  I just felt like it would be such a perfect date - you get a view of two of the monuments while scooting around the water - peaceful and calming.  Every year since that first year together, I've subtly reminded him that we have yet to do that paddle boat date. 

You know where I'm going with this.

Friday, the long awaited paddle boat date finally ensued!

Guys, it could not have been a more perfect day.  The weather was mild - warm but with cool breezes along the water.  We also took full advantage of all of the photo ops.

Another bonus - we got in a lot of exercise from walking and paddling.  I think this is why my hips/legs are still sore.  Well, from this and from the Wave - I'm sure of it!


It was definitely one of my favorite moments of living in DC thus far.

Now, this isn't he first time I've been to see these beauties.  I actually went three years ago on my birthday {April 4}.  It was incredibly windy and cold that day.  And while it started off great for me in DC, it ended in tragedy for my dear friend back in Pittsburgh.  While I love this time of year because it means cherry blossoms and my birthday, I also cannot help but think of my friend and the loss she suffered, unbelievably, three years ago now.  When I see the trees, I automatically think of her and her family.  Please keep them in your prayers as they approach the three year anniversary in just one week.

Have you ever been to see the Cherry Blossoms?  What is your favorite thing to see/do this time of year? 

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Cherry Blossoms Updated at : 6:19 AM
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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